ASME标准中文版 ASME2023标准翻译目录
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标准号:asme bpvc.iv-2023
asme bpvc.ii.c-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section ii: materials- part c: specifications for welding rods, electrodes and fillermetals
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第二节:材料-第c部分:焊条、焊条和填充金属规范
标准号:asme bpvc.ii.c-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code - code cases: boilersand pressure vessels
asme bpvc-2023 set
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code (bpvc) - complete setwithout binders
标准号:asme bpvc-2023 set
asme bpvc.xii-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section xii: rules forconstruction and continued service of transport tanks
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第十二节:运输罐的建造和继续使用规则
标准号:asme bpvc.xii-2023
asme bpvc.iii.nca-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section iii: rules forconstruction of nuclear power plant components, subsection nca:general re for division 1 and division 2
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第三节:核电厂部件建造规则 nca小节:第1部分和第2部分的一般要求
标准号:asme bpvc.iii.nca-2023
asme bpvc.xi.2-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section xi.2: rulesfor inservice inspection of nuclear power plant components,division 2, re for reliability and integrity management(rim) programs for nuclear power plants
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第xi.2节:核电厂部件运行检查规则 第2部分核电厂可靠性和完整性管理(rim)程序要求
标准号:asme bpvc.xi.2-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section vi:recommended rules for the care and operation of heating boilers
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第六节:供热锅炉维护和操作的推荐规则
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code - code cases: nuclearcomponents
asme bpvc.i-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section i: rules forconstruction of power boilers
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第一节:动力锅炉建造规则
标准号:asme bpvc.i-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section iii: rules forconstruction of nuclear power plant components, division 1,subsection ne: class mc components
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第三节:核电厂部件建造规则 第1部分 ne小节:mc级部件
asme bpvc.iii.2-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section iii: rules forconstruction of nuclear power plant components, division 2: codefor concrete reactor vessels and containments
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第三节:核电厂部件建造规则 第2部分:混凝土反应堆容器和容器规范
标准号:asme bpvc.iii.2-2023
asme bpvc.ii.d.m-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section ii: materials- part d: properties (metric)
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第二节:材料-第d部分:性能(公制)
标准号:asme bpvc.ii.d.m-2023
asme bpvc.x-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section x:fiber-reinforced plastic pressure vessels
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第x节:纤维增强塑料压力容器
标准号:asme bpvc.x-2023
asme bpvc.xiii-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section xiii, rulesfor overpressure protection
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第十三节 过压保护规则
标准号:asme bpvc.xiii-2023
asme bpvc.iii.1.nb-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section iii: rules forconstruction of nuclear power plant components, division 1,subsection nb: class 1 components
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第三节:核电厂部件建造规则 第1部分 nb小节:1级部件
标准号:asme bpvc.iii.1.nb-2023
asme bpvc.viii.2-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section viii, division2: alternative rules
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第八节 第2部分:替代规则
标准号:asme bpvc.viii.2-2023
asme bpvc.iii.3-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section iii: rules forconstruction of nuclear power plant components, division 3:containment systems and transportation packaging of spent nuclearfuel and high-level radioactive waste
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第三节:核电厂部件建造规则 第3部分:乏核燃料和高放射性废物的安全壳系统和运输包装
标准号:asme bpvc.iii.3-2023
asme bpvc.iii.1.ncd-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section iii: rules forconstruction of nuclear power plant components, division 1,subsection ncd, class 2 and class 3 components
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第三节:核电厂部件建造规则 第1部分 ncd小节 2级和3级部件
标准号:asme bpvc.iii.1.ncd-2023
asme bpvc.ix-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section ix: weldingand brazing
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第九节:焊接和钎焊评定
标准号:asme bpvc.ix-2023
asme bpvc.v-2023
2023asme boiler and pressure vessel code, section v:nondestructive examination
2023asme锅炉和压力容器规范 第五节:无损检测
标准号:asme bpvc.v-2023
asme nuc code cases-2023 (header digital)
code cases: nuclear components
标准号:asme nuc code cases:2023 (header digital)
asme bpv code cases-2023 (header digital)
code cases: boilers and pressure vessels
标准号:asme bpv code cases:2023 (header digital)
asme 3nca;div 1 and div 2-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, subsection nca, general re for division 1 anddivision 2
第三节 核设施部件建造规则 nca小节 第1部分和第2部分的一般要求
标准号:asme 3nca;div 1 and div 2:2023
asme 13-2023
section xiii, rules for overpressure protection
标准号:asme 13:2023
asme 12-2023
section xii, rules for construction and continued service oftransport tanks
第十二节 运输罐的建造和继续使用规则
标准号:asme 12:2023
asme 11 div2-2023
section xi, rules for inservice inspection of nuclear powerplant components, division 2, re for reliability andintegrity management (rim) programs for nuclear power plants
第十一节 核电厂部件运行检查规则 第2部分 核电厂可靠性和完整性管理(rim)程序要求
标准号:asme 11 div2:2023
asme 11 div1-2023
section xi, rules for inservice inspection of nuclear powerplant components, division 1, rules for inspection and testing ofcomponents of light-water-cooled plants
第十一节 核电厂部件在役检验规则 第1部分 轻水冷却设备部件检验和试验规则
标准号:asme 11 div1:2023
asme 10-2023
section x, fiber-reinforced plastic pressure vessels
第十节 纤维增强塑料压力容器
标准号:asme 10:2023
asme 9-2023
section ix, welding, brazing, and fusing , standard for welding, brazing, and fusing procedures;welders; brazers; and welding, brazing, and fusing operators
第九节 焊接、钎焊和熔合资格 焊接、钎焊和熔合程序的资格标准;焊工;钎焊机;以及焊接、钎焊和熔断操作人员
标准号:asme 9:2023
asme 8 div3-2023
section viii, rules for construction of pressure vessels,division 3, alternative rules for construction of high pressurevessels
第八节 压力容器施工规则 第3部分 高压容器施工替代规则
标准号:asme 8 div3:2023
asme 8 div2-2023
section viii, rules for construction of pressure vessels -division 2, alternative rules
第八节 压力容器施工规则 第2部分 替代规则
标准号:asme 8 div2:2023
asme 8 div1-2023
section viii, rules for construction of pressure vessels -division 1
第八节 压力容器施工规则 第1部分
标准号:asme 8 div1:2023
asme 7-2023
section vii, recommended guidelines for the care of powerboilers
第七节 动力锅炉保养建议指南
标准号:asme 7:2023
asme 6-2023
section vi, recommended rules for the care and operation ofheating boilers
标准号:asme 6:2023
asme 5-2023
section v, nondestructive examination
标准号:asme 5:2023
asme 4-2023
section iv, rules for construction of heating boilers
标准号:asme 4:2023
asme 3 div5-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents - division 5, high temperature reactors
第三节 核设施部件建造规则 第5部分 高温反应堆
标准号:asme 3 div5:2023
asme 3 div4-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, division 4, fusion energy devices [2]
第三节 核设施部件建造规则 第4部分 聚变能装置[2]
标准号:asme 3 div4:2023
asme 3 div3-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, division 3, containment systems for transportation andstorage of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactivematerial
第三节 核设施部件建造规则 第3部分 乏核燃料和高放射性材料运输和储存用安全壳系统
标准号:asme 3 div3:2023
asme 3 div2-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, division 2, code for concrete containments
第三节 核设施部件施工规则 第2部分 混凝土安全壳规范
标准号:asme 3 div2:2023
asme 3ng div1-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, division 1, subsection ng, core support structures
第三节 核设施部件施工规则 第1部分 ng小节 堆芯支撑结构
标准号:asme 3ng div1:2023
asme 3nf div1-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, division 1, subsection nf, supports
第三节 核设施部件施工规则 第1部分 nf小节 支架
标准号:asme 3nf div1:2023
asme 3ne div1-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, division 1, subsection ne, class mc components
第三节 核设施部件建造规则 第1部分 ne小节 mc级部件
标准号:asme 3ne div1:2023
asme 3ncd div1-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, division 1, subsection ncd, class 2 and class 3components
第三节 核设施部件建造规则 第1部分ncd分节 第2类和第3类部件
标准号:asme 3ncd div1:2023
asme 3nb div1-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, division 1, subsection nb, class 1 components
第三节 核设施部件施工规则 第1部分 nb小节 1类部件
标准号:asme 3nb div1:2023
asme 3a appendices-2023
section iii, rules for construction of nuclear facilitycomponents, appendices
第三节 核设施部件建造规则 附录
标准号:asme 3a appendices:2023
asme 2d (metric)-2023
section ii, materials, part d, properties (metric)
第二节 材料 d部分 性能(公制)
标准号:asme 2d (metric):2023
asme 2d (customary)-2023
section ii, materials, part d, properties (customary)
第二节 材料 d部分 特性(常规)
标准号:asme 2d (customary):2023
asme 2c-2023
section ii, materials, part c, specifications for welding rods,electrodes, and filler metals
第二节 材料 c部分 焊条、电极和填充金属规范
标准号:asme 2c:2023
asme 2b-2023
section ii, materials, part b, nonferrous materialspecifications
第二节 材料 b部分 有色金属材料规范
标准号:asme 2b:2023
asme 2a-2023
section ii, materials, part a, ferrous materialspecifications
第二节 材料 a部分 黑色金属材料规范
标准号:asme 2a:2023
asme 1-2023
section i, rules for construction of power boilers
标准号:asme 1:2023
sae j1926/3_202305
connections for general use and fluid power ports and stud endswithasme b1.1 threads and o-ring sealing part 3: light-duty(l-series) stud ends
带asme b1.1螺纹和o形密封圈的通用和流体动力端口和螺柱端的连接第3部分:轻型(l系列)螺柱端