儿童产品在美国亚马逊销售做 CPC 认证的办理流程及要求,专业办理儿童玩具产品CPC认证销售亚马逊

sales manager
2024-05-23 10:10


bvt 贝华检测是 cpsc-accepted testing laboratories (lab id1221),获得授权允许的实验室,专业从事 cpc 认证 10 余年,服务几百家公司的上百种儿童产品的 cpc 认证。cpc认证是什么cpc 认证的英文全称是 children’s product certificate 。cpc证书类似于国内质检报告,在产品检测合格出具报告后,发放 cpc证书。证书中应当列明进/出口商信息,商品信息、及已通过的检测项目及其依据的法规标准。亚马逊平台在上架一些类别的产品(如儿童玩具、婴童用品,儿童服装等)时会要求商家上传cpc证书,没有cpc证书的相关儿童产品无法销售,适用于12 岁及以下儿童为主要目标使用对象的产品。出口美国儿童产品 cpc 认证的要求1. cpc 证书必须基于 cpsc认可的第三方检测实验室检测结果;2. 由销售商签发 cpc 证书,第三方实验室可以提供协助起草 cpc 证书;3.儿童产品必须符合所有相关的安全规则及条列;4. cpc 证书需包含的 7 点信息:① 产品信息 (名称和描述) ;②产品适用的所有的法规和条列;③ 进口商或制造商 (美国本土) 的信息:包括名称、地址和电话;④支撑证书的检测结果档案持有人的联系信息:名称、地址、邮箱地址和电话;⑤ 产品生产日期和地址,生产日期必须到年月,地址必须具体到城市;⑥检测时间和地址或者证书基于的检测报告;⑦ 第三方检测机构信息 (cpsc 认可的实验室) :名称、地址、联系电话。cpc 证书必须要有cpsc 授权的检测机构才可以做认证,在做 cpc 认证前,建议企业提前确认检测机构是否有这个 cpsc 授权,stc上海标检产品检测有限公司已获得 cpsc 授权许可,见下图。 cpsc 官网认可实验室查询结果截图 cpc认证办理流程资料提交截图预览儿童产品 cpc 认证常见检测项目1. 物理机械性能 (尖利边,突起,钉紧固等) ;2. 追踪标签;3.燃烧性能 (床垫燃烧、纺织品燃烧、固体燃烧) ;4. 化学性能 (涂层铅、基材铅、邻苯二甲酸盐等) ;5.儿童存在或潜在危害的评级。儿童玩具 cpc 认证要求1. cpsia 总铅、邻苯;2. astm f963 美国玩具标准;3. 16cfr part 1501 小部件;4. 16 cfr part 1505 电动玩具安全标准;5. 16 cfr part 1510摇铃玩具要求;6. 16 cfr part 1511 奶嘴安全标准。儿童服装 cpc 认证要求1. 总铅、邻苯 cpsia ;2.服装纺织燃烧性能 16 cfr part 1610 ;3. 儿童睡衣裤燃烧性能 尺寸 0-6x 16 cfr part 1615;4. 儿童睡衣裤燃烧性能 尺寸 7-14x 16 cfr part 1616 。婴幼儿产品 cpc 认证要求1. 小部件法规(small parts regulation) 16 cfr part 1501 ;2. 尖点锐边法规-滥用测试 (sharpedge and sharp point) 16 cfr 1500.48&49 ;3. 固体易燃物燃烧法规 (methodfor determining extremely flammable and flammable solids) 16 cfr1500.44 ;4. 安抚奶嘴 (pacifiers) 16 cfr part 1511 ;5. 摇铃 (rattles) 16cfr part 1510 ;6. 儿童自行车 (bicycles) 16 cfr part 1512 ;7. 儿童双层床(children's bunk beds) 16 cfr part 1513 ;8. 自行车头盔 (bicycle helmets)16 cfr part 1203 ;9. 床垫燃烧 (standard for the flammability (openflame) of mattress sets) 16 cfr part 1633 ;10. 床垫燃烧 (standard forthe flammability of mattresses and mattress pads (ff 4-72,amended)) 16 cfr part 1632 ;11. 纺织品燃烧 (standard for theflammability of clothing textiles) 16 cfr part 1610 ;12. 玩具安全法规(standard consumer safety specifications for toy safety) 16 cfrpart 1250、astm f963-17 ;13. 婴儿浴盆 (infant bath seats) 16 cfr part1215、astm f1967 ;14. 儿童学步车 (infant walkers) 16 cfr part 1216、astmf977 ;15. 儿童学步床 (safety standard for toddler beds) 16 cfr part1217、astm f1821 ;16. 儿童摇篮 (safety standard for bassinets andcradles) 16 cfr part 1218、astm f2194 ;17. 儿童全尺寸床 (safety standardfor full-size cribs) 16 cfr part 1219、astm f1169 ;18. 儿童非全尺寸床(safety standard for non-full-size cribs) 16 cfr part 1220、astmf406 ;19. 儿童游戏围栏 (safety standard for play yards) 16 cfr part1221、astm f406 ;20. 儿童床边床 (safety standard for bedside sleepers) 16cfr part 1222、astm f2906 ;21. 儿童秋千 (safety standard for infantswings) 16 cfr part 1223、astm f2088 ;22. 儿童床护栏 (safety standard forportable bed rails) 16 cfr part 1224、astm f2085 ;23. 儿童提篮 (safetystandard for hand-held infant carriers) 16 cfr part 1225、astm f2050;24. 儿童软质背带 (safety standard for soft infant and toddler carriers)16 cfr part 1226、astm f2236 ;25. 儿童手推车 (safety standard forcarriages and strollers) 16 cfr part 1227、astm f833 ;26. 儿童吊带(safety standard for sling carriers) 16 cfr part 1228、astm f2907;27. 儿童摇椅 (safety standard for infant bouncer seats) 16 cfr part1229、astm f2167 ;28. 儿童框架式背带 (safety standard for frame childcarriers) 16 cfr part 1230、astm f2549 ;29. 儿童高脚椅 (safety standardfor high chairs) 16 cfr part 1231、astm f404 ;30. 儿童折叠小凳 (safetystandard for children's folding chairs and stools) 16 cfr part1232、astm f2613 ;31. 儿童桌边椅 (safety standard for portable hook-onchairs) 16 cfr part 1233、astm f1235 ;32. 儿童洗澡椅 (safety standard forinfant bath tubs) 16 cfr part 1234、astm f2670 ;33. 儿童换洗台 (safetystandard for baby changing products) 16 cfr part 1235、astm f2388;34. 儿童增高椅 (safety standard for booster seats) 16 cfr part1237、astm f2640 ;35. 儿童活动中心 (safety standard for activitycenter) 16 cfr part 1238、astm f2012 ;36. 儿童门栏/围栏 (safety standardfor gate and enclosure) 16 cfr part 1239、astm f1004 ;37.婴儿沐浴座椅 (baby shower seat)astm f1967 - 19 ;38. 婴儿尿布更换用品 (baby diaperreplacement supplies)  astm f2388 - 18 ;39. 儿童首饰 (children'sjewelry) astm f2923-14 ;40. 儿童背包 (children's backpack) 16 cfr1500.50 ;41. 儿童隐形墨水笔 (children's invisible ink pen) astm f963-17;42. 儿童背架 (children's backrest) astm f2549-14a ;43. 婴儿背带 (babycarrier) astm f2907-19 ;44. 软体婴儿背带 (soft baby strap) astmf22360-16a ;45. 磨牙器 (molars) astm f963-17  。cpc认证资料提交被亚马逊拒绝常见原因cpc 认证比较难的在于你按要求提交了资料,还是没有通过,直接就被拒绝了。遇到 cpc被拒的情况,首先需要检测你的 cpc 证书需包含的 7点信息,如果你的证书包含了以上信息却还是被拒了,则需要根据亚马逊回复的邮件内容来针对性解决了。一、年龄等级亚马逊回复:wenoticed that the recommended age grade of the asin is missing onthe product (s) detail page.please update the product (s) detailpage with the recommended age grading (the manufacturer_minimum_ageattribute) identified on the asins third party test report in orderto move forward with the approval process.分析:listing后台缺少产品的适用年龄描述,在后台更新好即可。二、进口商信息亚马逊回复: the cpc submitted ismissing required information. to move forward with the approvalsprocess for your product, please resubmit the document with thefollowing updated information:us importer or domestic manufacturername, mailing address, contact information located in unitedstates.分析:cpc 证书内缺少进口商信息,需要补全相关信息。三、测试结果维护联系人亚马逊回复:contactinformation for the individual maintaining records, including name,full mailing address, email address,and telephone number.分析:cpc证书上缺少测试结果维护联系人的相关信息。四、合规文件缺少亚马逊回复:in order to review your documentsrelated to product assurance of toys, please submit them on vendorcentral using the following steps:4.1. in vendor central, click theitems menu, and then select vendor certificates4.2. click onmissing compliance documents;4.3. search for the affected asin andthen;4.4. click add to upload the documents.分析:不要在 case中回复内容和提交文件,需要在菜单目录栏找到查看销售申请,再找到被拒绝的 asin,重新提交证书进行审核。五、产品图片信息亚马逊回复:please be informed that we can onlyaccept product images. therefore, kindly take clear photo of theproduct and product packaging clearly displaying:* manufacturer name*  manufacturer address*  warning label(asapplicable)分析:亚马逊要求的第一项商品图片中,产品的实拍图需要清楚地体现出制造商名称、制造商地址和警告标语等。警告语格式也有要求,3 岁以下使用含有小部件的需要体现。六、cpc 证书盖章问题亚马逊回复:in order to move forward withthe approval process, please submit the children’s productcertificate (cpc) that is issued by the manufacturer, importer, orprivate labeler based on the guidelines stated in the consumerproduct safety commission website.the cpc that has been previouslyprovided cannot be accepted as it is issued from the testinglaboratory.分析:cpc 的本质是一份自我声明,是由进口商或者制作商签发的(实际操作中,多数情况都是由贸易商自主签发),只有cpc 的测试报告是由检测机构盖章签发的。所以不能用检测机构盖章的 cpc证书,用了大概率过不了审核。七、注册卡信息亚马逊回复:the registration card submitted for yourproduct did not include all of the following:* name of themanufacturer or private labeler* date ofmanufacture* manufacturer contact information (u.s. addressand telephone number, toll-free if available)* model name andnumber分析:没有提供注册卡,或者是注册卡的信息填写错误导致。涉及到需要提供注册卡的商品一般是耐用的婴儿消费品,并且危险程度相对较高。比如围栏、门栏、背带、学步车、摇篮等等。八、警告标语亚马逊回复:inorder to list these toys on amazon, please apply by submitting thefollowing item.please update cpsia warning attribute in detailpage.分析:产品页面编辑页面 cpsia 那栏没有填写内容,需要下拉选择适合自己产品的 warning警示语!九、缺少电池测试亚马逊回复:please be informed that we are unable to moveforward with the approval process until the following reon is provided:kindly provide the following outstandingitems as per astm f963-17:4.25- battery operated toysif you feelyour product is exempt from the above sections/re, pleaseprovide a statement from your lab or regulation exempting yourproduct for our review.分析:电动玩具的测试标准,除了 astm f963-16/17 和 cpsia,还需要做电池部分的 astm section 4.25关于电池驱动和电池部分的测试,若测试报告缺乏这项测试,会导致无法过审。(产品是内置电池、外接干电池、usb供电、直插供电的都需要做这个测试项目)。十、商品型号或者 asin 不匹配亚马逊回复: productdescription or product identifier enabling us to make an accuratedetermination that the certificate is issued for the correctproduct.分析:提示 cpc 证书里面缺少 asin 或产品型号和 product description (产品描述),导致无法将 cpc 测试报告和 listing 建立上联系。十一、缺少相关标识亚马逊回复:the picture mustcontain all the following relevant information: safety informationand registration card, compliance signs (including tracking labels), commodity hazard warning.分析:图片没有包含所有以下相关信息:安全信息和注册卡、合规标志 (包括追踪标签)、商品危险警告。亚马逊 cpc 认证流程需要注意的地方1. 找 cpsc 认可的第三方检测实验室;2. 确定产品检测标准;3.美国本土进口商信息;4. 严格按格式要求;5. 按照亚马逊反馈整改;6. 商标侵权;7. 外观专利侵权;8. 发明专利侵权;9.专利有效期。
儿童产品在美国亚马逊销售做 CPC 认证的办理流程及要求,专业办理儿童玩具产品CPC认证销售亚马逊


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