- 供应商
- 北京华豫清源国际贸易有限公司
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- 86-01052456750
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- 13269232873
- 部门经理
- 丁保玉
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- 北京市丰台区花乡造甲村南里1号楼105室
- 更新时间
- 2016-04-14 14:57
杜笙tulsion® ch-920 ga
tulsion® ch-920 ga 是一款具有“巨空状”丙烯酸型复杂主体结构的弱酸性,氢型含水 球状离子交换树脂。
tulsion® ch-920 ga 由于其本身的大孔而具有优良的物理特性。它是为金属离子的选择性提取而专门研制生产的甲级产品。
tulsion® ch-920 ga 具有极其优越的物理和化学稳定性。该产品显示出良好的抗机械和渗透压冲击的能力,具有更长的使用寿命。且适合于在广泛的ph范围内使用。
典型特性(typical characteristics): tulsion® ch-920 ga
型式/type 大孔弱酸性阳离子交换树脂/macroporous weak acid cation exchange resin
主体结构/matrix structure 交联丙烯酸类共聚物/cross linked acrylic copolymer
物理型式/physical form 含水球状/moist spherical beads
离子型式/ionic form 氢/hydrogen
总交换树脂( meq/ml ) 1.5 (min.)
粒径范围uss (湿) 16 to 50
网状低于50 uss 比例 <2%
有效尺寸/effective size mm 0.55 to 0.65
ph 范围/ph range 0 to 14
允许温度/temperature stability 50℃
溶解性/solubility 不溶于任何容积
杜笙tulsion® ch-920 ga离子交换树脂
操作特性(typical characteristics): tulsion® ch-920 ga
zui大操作温度/operating temperature(max) 50℃
树脂床zui小高度/minimum bed depth (mm) 800
zui大流速/maximum service flow rate 5-7 m3/hr/m3
逆洗膨胀空间/backwash expansion space 50 to 70%
测试(testing): tulsion® ch-920 ga
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即astmd - 2187和is - 7330,1998.
包装(packing): tulsion® ch-920 ga
super sack
1000 lit
super sack
35 cft
ms drums
180 lit.
ms drums
7 cft
hdpe lines bags
25 lit.
hdpe lines bags
1 cft
for handling, safety and storage re please refer to the individual material safety data sheets available at our offices. the data included herein are based on test information obtained by thermax limited. these date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. tolerances for characteristics are per bis/astm. we recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on his own processing e
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