
2024-09-28 09:00














(3) sample collection method

1. skin lesion sample: collect the corresponding lesion sampleaccording to the condition of the lesion. for the sample that needsto be separated from the virus later, the collection tube does notcontain sample preservation solution.

(1) swab of lesion rash, pimple surface and/or exudate: usesterile polyester or polyester swab to smear the lesion siteforcefully to ensure that sufficient viral dna is collected, andplace the swab in a sterile collection tube.

(2) blister liquid: sterilize the skin lesions with alcoholcotton balls and dry them naturally. suck the liquid with sterileneedle and syringe, and place it in 1.5 to 2ml sterile plastic tubewith screw cap with 0-shaped rubber ring.

(3) collection of skin rash or blister epidermis and liquid swabin skin rash: sterilize the skin lesions with alcohol cotton ballsand dry them naturally. open and remove the top skin of the vesicleor pustule with a disposable scalpel (or sterile no. 26 needle),and place the top skin of the vesicle in a 1.5 to 2ml sterile bandО a type rubber ring in the plastic pipe with screw cover. wipe thebottom of the lesion with sterile polyester or polyester swab, andplace the swab in the sterile collection tube.

(4) scab or hard skin: sterilize the skin lesions with alcoholcotton balls and dry them naturally. use sterile no. 26 needle orscissors to take at least 4 scabs, each from a different part ofthe body. place eschar on 1.5 to 2ml sterile band О a type rubberring in the plastic pipe with screw cover.

note: two specimens of the same type of lesions can be collectedin one tube, preferably from different parts of the body, withdifferent appearances. different types of lesions (e.g

blister fluid and scab) cannot be put in the same tube. try tocollect two samples of each type. when testing, first test one ofthem, and then test the second only when the first result isuncertain.

2. pharyngeal swab: use two plastic rod swabs with polypropylenefiber head to wipe both sides of the pharyngeal tonsils andposterior pharyngeal wall at the same time, put the swab into thesterile sampling solution tube, discard the tail, and tighten thetube cover.

3. blood sample: try to collect double serum in acute stage andrecovery stage. the first serum should be collected as soon aspossible (preferably within 7 days after the onset), and the secondserum should be collected within 3 to 4 weeks after the onset.collect 5ml of blood, preferably fasting blood. it is recommendedthat 5ml of blood sample be collected with a vacuum bloodcollection tube containing edta anticoagulant, then stand at roomtemperature for 30 minutes, centrifugate at 1500~2000 rpm for 10minutes, and collect cells in plasma and blood respectively in asterile screw shaped plastic tube.

4. serum sample: collect 5ml of blood sample with vacuumnegative pressure collecting vessel, leave it at room temperaturefor 30 minutes, centrifugate at 1500~2000 rpm for 10 minutes, andcollect the serum in sterile screw mouth plastic tube.

5. other materials: collected according to the designre



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