科特石材机械厂位于广东省云浮市东郊,是一家专业生产石材加工设备的企业。 工厂技术力量雄厚,产品质量稳定、可靠,深受全国各地石材加工企业用户的信赖。 工厂严守信誉并本着“质量第一、服务至上”的宗旨,努力做好产品质量及售后服务工作,我们热情欢迎您的洽谈和咨询,并希望共同合作,共创伟业。Located in the eastern suburb of Yunfu Municipality,YUNFU KE TE STONE MACHINE FACTORY professionally makes equipments for stone processing. Having strong efforts on mechanical skills and stable and reliable quality.the factory has been placed much trust by the stone processing industries in our country.Managing principle of the factory is "Quality First,Service Supreme",Welcome businessmen to come to our factory to hold trade talks and investigate Hope to make great benifits through mutual co-operation.[广东云浮科特石材机械厂WWW.YFKT.COM]