江苏申锡建筑机械有限公司是聚集了建设机械设备方面的技术,并通过ce欧盟强制性认证和iso9001:2000国际质量管理体系的认证,是一家可以根据客户的不同要求,生产、设计各类常规及特殊高空作业平台和吊篮以及提升设备的厂家。申锡机械从1988年生产提升机以来,公司的发展迅速而稳健。如今,享誉全球的技术已经使我们的产品遍布各大洲。 随着经济的迅速发展,大量的高层建筑在中国不断兴建,城市环境美化要求也随之不断提高,高处作业吊篮以其安全可靠,安装方便,作业效率高,占地面积小等多重优势正在中国迅速普及。 申锡公司的各系列电动提升设备,以其独特的设计,适用于各种复杂的施工环境,如建筑物外墙施工作业和维修装饰作业等。在大城市高层建筑、楼房密集区的施工作业,住宅小区的维修粉刷,更能显示其经济、方便、安全、高效的优越性。jiangsu shenxi construction machinery co,. ltd., which collected the developed techniques and which have pastce and iso9001:2000 quality control system, is a powerful manufacturer who can develop and produce all kinds of common or special suspended platforms according to requirements of customers. shenxi company grows up quickly and steadily since we had brought out the first hoist in 1988. and now, by our developed techniques, our platforms have already been well known and distributed into every corner of the world. chinese economic growth takes the birth to a large quantity of high-rising buildings, and brings the increasing requirement of the city appearances. in this background, our platforms had been promptly spread in china for its safety, facility, efficiency and its tiny type. particular design gives our platforms the capacity of being adapted to all kinds of complicated construction environments as fa ade construction, fa ade decoration and so on. and it will much clearer show our platform’s priority of economy, continence, safety and efficiency if put them into the fa ade works of high-rising building compact district in the city center or uptown.