深圳市光普光电科技有限公司是一家致力于标识/招牌 民用led光源产品的生产型企业,专业生产各种超高亮红.橙.黄.绿.蓝.紫.白色食人鱼和smd(3528、5050)模组 led硬/软性灯条 led日光灯管的高科技技术企业。一直潜心于标识/招牌和民用led光源产品的研究,以提供高可靠性产品、提高安装效率、降低安装成本、减少售后成本为宗旨积累了丰富的行业经验。赢得了海内外广大用户的厚爱,“追求卓越 创造精品 没有 只有更好”是我们追求的目标。公司的产品选用hp、cree、欧司朗、首尔半导体、晶元、广镓等知名品牌的led光源;Zui终用户包括海澜之家、kfc、兴业银行、麦当劳、七匹狼、中国石油、中国农业银行等众多国际国内知名企业。公司先后通过了iso9001:2000版国际质量管理认证、欧盟rosh认证、ce认证等。让你的标识/招牌更靓,更经济是我们的使命。彰显高科技led“亮 — 彩 — 眩 — 美”的视觉,建立一个流光溢彩的led新世界!我们期待与更多有社会责任感的企业携,携手未来,营造一个节能减能环保的新世界.
shenzhen guangpu optoelectronic technology co., ltd.is a commitment to mark/placard civil led light product production-oriented products.specializing in the production of various ultra bright red. yellow. green. orange. blue. purple. white piranhas and smd/type (3528 5050) module. led hard/soft light bar. led fluorescent tubes of high-tech technology enterprise. always involve marking/placard and civil led light source products research, to provide high reliability products improve installation installation costs low efficiency after-sale cost reduction for tenet has accumulated rich experience. won serviceseverywhere user of love,“the pursuit of excellence to create high-quality goods not best but better”is the goal of our pursuit. the company’s product selection hp cree osram seoul semiconductor chip yuan wide famous brands such as gallium led light; end users including the billow socgen mcdonald’s family of kfc with seven ones wolf china petroleum agricultural bank of china international and domestic famous enterprises, etc. the company has passed the iso9001:2000 international quality management certification authentication ce certificate for eu rosh make your mark/placard is more beautiful, more economy is our mission. reveal high-tech led bright color, the best visual beauty glare establish a time excessive colour led new world! we look forward to working with more excellent enterprise with social responsibility, future work, to create a new world of energy-saving minus can environmental protection.