上海希凌商贸有限公司是意大利schelling针布公司在中国成立的办事处性质的贸易公司,意大利schelling1867针布公司是全球Zui早生产起绒起毛针布的厂家,该针布在欧美市场得到了广泛的使用和意志的好评,其中生产起毛机的的意大利crosta,comat和lafer公司几十年来一直使用他们的针布。该产品由欧洲进入中国市场,希望可以为国内的使用厂家提供优质的产品,同时他们的工程师可以为国内厂家提供先进的面料生产工艺。Shanghai Xiling Trading Ltd is the office of Italy Schelling 1867 company in Shanghai,Italy Schelling 1867 company since 1867 and they are very famous in Europen,America and Africa, in these area they have many old cuatomers.during 30 years Italy raising machinery makers MARIO CROSTA, LAFER and COMET always use Schelling 1867 company fillets,Schelling 1867 fillet is original made in Italy. now we are here, so we hope supply good quality to China customers and we our Itlay technologist will supply good technolog to China factory.