- 供应商
- 深圳市环测威检测技术有限公司
- 认证
- 联系电话
- 4008-707-283
- 手机号
- 15811815782
- 销售经理
- 邓经理
- 所在地
- 广东省深圳市宝安区沙井新桥街道新桥社区新和大道26号A栋1~2楼
- 更新时间
- 2024-08-23 07:00
一、fcc 简介
1.fcc的由来:federal communicationscommission,美国联邦通信委员会的简写,根据美国联邦通讯法规相关部分(cfr47部分)中规定,凡进入美国的电子类产品都需要进行电磁兼容认证,也就是fcc认证。
a 发射产品上: id xxxxxxxx.可以用贴纸或丝印等方式,
b 接收部分的标识如下(30mhz以下的接收器不用加贴--参考fcc15.101):
trade name:(品名或公司名)
module no. (产品型号)
this device complies with part 15 of the fcc rules.
operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) thisdevice may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.
c 包装或说明书(或吊卡)上的标识:
warning: this device complies with part 15 of the fcc rules.operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) thisdevice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.
caution: changes or modifications not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority tooperate the e.
note: this e has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a class b digital device, pursuant to part 15 of thefcc rules. these limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. this e generates, uses, and can radiateuency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. however, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. if this e doescause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the e off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one more of thefollowing measures:
• reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• increase the distance between the e and receiver.
• connect the e into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.
• consult the dealer or an experienced radio/tv technician forhelp.
5.2 普通电子产品:
a 产品上的标识(与带无线遥控产品标识比较,少了产品编号及公司名称):
this device complies with part 15 of the fcc rules. operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.
b 包装或说明书(或吊卡)上的标识:同带无线遥控产品的包装上标识
6 fcc标识方法:布标、丝印移印、贴纸(贴纸必须是过胶或胶质的,且粘贴牢固)等。
7.2包装上标识的文种与其他包装文字文种对应, 产品上则可只要英文如彩盒是英法文的,则也需要英法文.