
2020-12-23 17:28




shanghai international building owners and property managementexpo

时间:2020年6月10-12日  地址:上海世博中心


支持单位:各地方物业管理行业协会,亚洲建筑联盟 ,台湾物业管理协会,香港物业管理行业协会














portant; word-wrap: break-word !important;">      6月3日下午,由上海市物业管理行业协会主办的2019上海国际建筑业主与物业管理产业展览会高峰论坛在上海世博中心5楼金厅盛大开讲。本次论坛以“智领城市,服务未来”为主题,吸引了来自全国物业管理行业近1000名代表到场聆听。中国物业管理协会副会长、上海市物业管理行业协会副会长李风担任论坛主持。

portant; word-wrap: break-word !important;">      上海市物业管理行业协会会长徐跃明、上海市房屋管理局副局长张立新和中国物业管理协会会长沈建忠分别致辞。华东师范大学博士、易居企业集团ceo丁祖昱,华润置地副总裁迟峰等两位嘉宾,分别围绕“当前物业管理行业市场发展分析及趋势研判”、“科技引领,赋能新生”这两个行业发展的热点话题,进行主旨演讲。

portant; word-wrap: break-word !important;">      复星蜂巢控股副总裁郭庆、第一太平戴维斯中国市场研究部董事及主管jamesmacdonald、世贸物业集团副总裁王海群、澳门物业管理业商会理事长崔铭文、广东省物业管理行业协会执行会长黎家河,围绕“城市更新与物业管理”话题展开了第一场圆桌讨论;上海锐翔上房物业管理有限公司董事长张圣哲、ifmachina总经理黄馨莹、华润物业科技服务有限公司总经理李峰、北京市物业管理行业协会副会长兼秘书长宋宝程、深圳市物业管理行业协会会长曹阳、苏州市物业管理行业协会会长陈留航,围绕“新时代下,物业服务的蓝海与未来”话题展开了第二场圆桌讨论。两场圆桌讨论,气氛热烈,交流充分,为行业的发展提供了新理念、新思路,获得了现场观众的热烈掌声。

portant; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> 









2020 shanghai international building owners and propertymanagement industry exhibition

and 2020 china (shanghai) international construction owners andproperty management summit forum

shanghai international building owners and property managementexpo

time: june 10-12, 2020 address: shanghai world expo center

organizer: shanghai property management association

supporting organizations: local property management industryassociations, asian construction union, taiwan property managementassociation, hong kong property management industry association

supporting media: property management horizon; china propertyservice consulting network; china property window; real estate enetwork; xinhua network; people's network; zhijia investmentpromotion network; parking network; property information network;property alliance network; china real estate network; chinaproperty network; maidian network; pacific security network; chinabidding network; china property news network; property headlinenetwork

exhibition introduction:

with the intervention of internet and capital, the propertymanagement industry ushered in a good opportunity for development,and new business models and management models continue to emerge.2019 shanghai international building owners and property managementindustry exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "bome") has set upmultiple exhibition areas, including smart community o2o, smartparking system and e, smart security, smart home,self-service facilities, property uniforms, environmental greenmaintenance, community and business entertainment facilities,energy-saving solutions, etc., to provide real estate developersand property management from different latitudes the company'slatest and most technological solutions.

with the rich resources, multi-channel market resources and widepromotion network of the organizers, shanghai internationalbuilding owners and property management industry exhibition isundoubtedly an important platform for strengthening the cooperationand common development of real estate development, upstream anddownstream enterprises in the property management industry chain athome and abroad.

wechat picture

exhibition scope:

brand property, science and technology property, propertymanagement education and training, operation and maintenancemanagement and maintenance of buildings, e, facilities,etc.

smart community: smart community o20, smart community serviceplatform, community economy, smart health care, smart education,smart convenient terminal, smart home, smart security, buildingintercom, elevator management, community charging, smartconsumption, smart sorting garbage, access control system, remotemeter reading, video monitoring, broadcasting system, smart sensingsystem, remote service, intelligent management system and soon.

living service facilities: community service station, expresspost station, intelligent express cabinet, self-service vendingmachine, etc.

parking management: diagnosis management of parking lotoperation status, garage management system, parking guidancesystem, automatic vehicle identification, one card smart cardswiping system, parking charging system, charging pile, smart gate,etc.

environmental cleaning: landscaping e, cleaning car,hand tractor, high-pressure cleaner, sweeper, vacuum cleaner,single cleaner, polishing machine, water absorption machine, blowdryer, garbage truck, recycling box, garbage bin, garbagecollection and transportation, garbage bin storage system, etc.

community infrastructure: energy saving technology products,outdoor fitness e, elderly fitness e, securitye, fire e, water supply and sewage management,street lamp management, electric gate, automatic spray, etc.

[review of the last session]

on june 4-6, 2019, the three-day shanghai internationalconstruction owners and property management industry exhibition hasbeen successfully concluded.

on the afternoon of june 3, the 2019 shanghai internationalbuilding owners and property management industry exhibition summitforum hosted by shanghai property management industry associationopened in the golden hall on the 5th floor of shanghai world expocenter. with the theme of "smart leading city, serving the future",this forum attracted nearly 1000 representatives from the nationalproperty management industry to attend. li feng, vice president ofchina property management association and shanghai propertymanagement industry association, presided over the forum.

assistant; word wrap: break word! important; "> xu yueming,president of shanghai property management association, zhang lixin,deputy director of shanghai housing administration bureau and shenjianzhong, president of china property management associationdelivered speeches respectively. two distinguished guests,including ding zuyu, ph.d. of east china normal university, ceo ofe-house group, and chi feng, senior vice president of chinaresources land, respectively made keynote speeches on the hottopics of "current market development analysis and trend judgmentof property management industry" and "technology leading, enablingnew students".

giant; word wrap: break word! important; "> guo qing, seniorvice president of fosun honeycomb holdings, james macdonald, seniordirector and director of china market research department ofsavills, wang haiqun, vice president of world trade property group,cui mingwen, president of macao property management chamber ofcommerce, li jiahe, executive chairman of guangdong propertymanagement association, focusing on" urban renewal and propertymanagement " the first round table discussion was held on the topicof management; zhang shengzhe, chairman of shanghai ruixiangshangfang property management co., ltd., huang xinying, generalmanager of ifma china, li feng, general manager of china resourcesproperty technology service co., ltd., song baocheng, vicepresident and secretary general of beijing property managementindustry association, cao yang, president of shenzhen propertymanagement industry association, and president of suzhou propertymanagement industry association chen liuhang launched the secondround table discussion on the topic of "blue ocean and future ofproperty services in the new era". the two round table discussions,with warm atmosphere and full exchanges, provided new ideas andideas for the development of the industry and won the warm applauseof the audience.

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