GM868 美国GE巴纳通用型超声波气体流量计

2020-11-04 10:44


关键字:gm868 通用型 超声波气体流量计 xgm868 超声波气体流量变送器 ge



digitalflow gm868通用型流量计配以合适的传感器可以测量从0.5 in (1.27 cm)规格的管线到直径大于25 ft(7.6m)的烟道中的气体及烟气流量。创新的超声波传感器安装结构满足了不同管线规格和其它应用方面的要求。这一无阻碍的流量计有极宽的量程比,无压损,也无需日常维护。可通过标准模拟和数字输出测量流速和体积流量。



digitalflow gm868通用型流量计配以合适的传感器可以测量从0.5 in (1.27 cm)规格的管线到直径大于25 ft(7.6m)的烟道中的气体及烟气流量。创新的超声波传感器安装结构满足了不同管线规格和其它应用方面的要求。这一无阻碍的流量计有极宽的量程比,无压损,也无需日常维护。可通过标准模拟和数字输出测量流速和体积流量。
产 品 描 述 
xgm868气体流量变送器是基于gm868通用型气体流量计的低价位变送器型号。与gm868一样,xgm868用超声波时差技术测量气体流量。它可以测量几乎任何规格为1到120in (2.5 cm to 3m)和更大的管线的流量。该变送器适用于需防护和防爆的应用区域。所配湿式传感器采用低压损、低维护的设计,可对绝大多数气体提供测量。

703 1376 02 assembly cga 351 clip & conn

703 1304 02 assy b ser controller 512k pcb

703 1363 04 c3sf receiver 500khz/471khz(duty protest fileno.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 21.12

xgm1868i main pcb assembly (rs232) 703 1589 01 replaces p/n 7031422 01

assy receiver (100k nb) 703 1284 03 (duty protest fileno.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 21.12.2013)

assy univ ac pwr supply unipolar 703 1403 03

interconn display pcb 703 1418 00 (duty protest fileno.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 21.12.2013)

assy term rs232 sngl chan ac 703 1440 06 (duty protest fileno.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 21.12.2013)

assy b series pwr sply 25 watt 703 1320 02

703 1350 02 assembly basic i/o clp & conn

flowmeter e - pc assy power supply card, gx868100-120vac group 2 (703-1253-04)

flowmeter e - dual channel 100khz receiver group 3(703-1269-13)

703-1442-02 input board to accept 2 4 to 20 ma inputs - replacesp/n (duty protest file no.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb ac

single channel 100khz receiver 703 1269 06 (duty protest fileno.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 7.1.2

assy ac ps 220/240v gx868 703 1253 05 (duty protest fileno.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 7.1.2

703 1603 04 gf gf 868 main board single channel (duty protestfile no.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 7.1.2

assy power supply card gx868 100 120vac 703 1253 04

main board single channel gf868 703 1603 04 gf (duty protestfile no.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 7.1.2

input board to accept 2 4 to 20 ma inputs 703 1442 02 (dutyprotest file no.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 7.1.2

703 1326 02 assy isolated wpf 4 20 output(duty protest fileno.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 7.1.2

surgipro ii cardiovascular - suture-vp703x(36 pcs percarton)

703 1584 00 at868 main board with rs232 note for use with s/n2000 and greater replaces p/n 703 1493 00 (duty protest

703 1413 02 at868 ac power supply (rs232 units) note for usewith s/n 2000 or greater

703 1406 assembly pcb 2 ch option (duty protest fileno.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.

703 1603 04 gf gf 868 main board single channel (duty protestfile no.s/3-gen.1280/13-14 gr.vb acc dtd 7.1.2014)

adb703 ast ifcc 834ml 166ml (lab reagent)

xmo2 digital pcb internal calibration switch panaview/idmversion 703 1316 02

703-1269-13 dual channel 100khz receiver

703-1269-06 single channel 100khz receiver

gf868 main board single channel 703 1603 04 gf

703-1603-04-gf gf868 main board single channel

single channel 100khz receiver 703-1269-06


704-662-12 cable assy db9f to f/l 12ft (1 num)

mc704zm/a - model no:a1277 apple usb ethernet adapter - zml

tag at-7001 & at-704 421-1989 easel frame & sunshade, 50mm box304ss, sunshade 1.5mm sheet (304ss), removable lifting e

6544-1-704 scorpio nrg hybrid instruments (instrument forimplant for severely physically handicapped patients) (list 32

704 671 25 pair of dual transducer cables 25(qty:2nos) footlength with bnc to lemo connectors for use with c pt c ts

64690710 acs800-704-0910-7 supply modulefre(variable speed drive)

704 1224 00 7.5 inch adaptor cable to connect misp2 probe toexisting tw cable

704 671 25 pair of dual transducer cables 25 foot length withbnc to lemo connectors for use with c pt c ts transducers

model-wanda 7.0-4 135 catheter - intra arterial catheter

704-662 12 cable assy db9f to f/l 12ft

704-1106-05 assy cable pair xdcr m8 thrd 3 pin 25 ft

704-671-25 pair of dual transducer cables: 25 foot length withbnc to lemo connectors for use with c-pt; c-ts transducer

704 1111 05 cable assy pair xdcr m8 thrd 3 pin to lemo 25ft

adb704 cholesterol 1000ml (lab reagent)

pair of dual transducer cables, 25 foot p/n 704-671-25 (accy forflowmeter)

704-662-12 cable assy db9f to fit 1217 rs232 cable 9 pin female(d139) connector on computer end to flying

704-609 cable assy analog i/o

ink cartridges - hp 792 lt magenta and magenta printhead (withprint head) / cn704a

704 820 standard 10 foot probe cable for use between tf moistureprobe and pm880 hygrometer

704 819 standard 10 foot probe cable for use between m seriesmoisture probe and pm880 hygrometer

704 821 standard 10 foot probe cable for use between mispmoisture probe and pm880 hygrometer

705-704 04 misi front panel assembly for ac units with powerswitch keypad and display for rack bench and panel package

704 668 12 rs232 communication cable 9 pin female d typeconnector on one end flying leads on the other end 12 feet in l

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