
2025-02-17 08:20




















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化生活污水处理的设计主要是对生活污水和与之相类似的工业有机污水的处理,其主要处理手段是采用目前较为成熟的生化处理技术接触氧化法,水质设计参数也按一般生活污水水质设计计算,按进水平均为bod5200mg/l计,出水bod5按20mg/l计,共有六部分组成:(1)初沉池(2)接触氧化池(3)二沉池(4)消毒池,消毒装置(5)污泥池(6)风机房、风机组成。一、 一体化生活污水处理装置简介现代污水处理技术发展的总趋势是在保证出水水质的前提下尽可能地缩短和简化工艺流程。那么,围绕时空要素,克服传统污水处理工艺流程复杂的弊端,通过对构筑物合理的一体化设计,利用理的时空安排,完成池体连续稳定工作的一体化装置,便符合这一污水处理技术发展的总趋势。污水处理一体化装置既可以把曝气和沉淀等操作按时间或空间顺序进行调配,也可以把曝气、沉淀单元或不同工艺的构筑物进行合建。其目的都是为了尽量减少占地面积、降低造价和运行费用,空间和时间则是此类工程设计的关键因素。国内外学者对污水处理一体化装置已经进行了广泛的研究工作,主要是结合一些传统的污水处理工艺(如a/o、氧化沟、mbr和sbr等)设计制造各种一体化生活污水处理装置,现有的一体化生活污水处理装置除一体化氧化沟外都比较适用于中小规模的污水处理。二、现有一体化生活污水处理装置 1、a/o一体化生活污水处理装置经大量实践检验,a/o工艺对生活污水能取得较好的处理效果,包括其良好的脱氮除磷效果。a/o一体化生活污水处理装置是一种将缺氧、好氧段组成一个整体的污水处理装置,若再把沉淀池组合进来,起到二沉池的作用,则可进一步提高出水水质。








at the end of xinwei river, the black odor of water body wasbasically eliminated.

at the construction site of the sewage treatment plant projectin the lower reaches of xinwei river, a striking countdown card waserected, which forced the construction period back.

according to the schedule, the downstream sewage treatment plantwill be commissioned on september 25 and the upstream sewagetreatment plant will be commissioned on march 2020.

the sewage treatment plant in the lower reaches of xinwei riveris an important part of the comprehensive environmental renovationproject of xinwei river. xinqi river is situated on the north bankof yongjiang river. its water area is 132 square kilometers. thenatural river course is 29.25 kilometers long. there are 12tributaries along the river. it is the longest river basin, thelargest tributary and the most serving population in nanning. withthe acceleration of urbanization, the water environment ofxinwei river is deteriorating gradually, and the self-purificationability of the river is losing gradually. the water environment of the river is inferior in five categories.

for this reason, nanning has launched the ppp project of xinweiriver environmental comprehensive regulation project, which is17.93 kilometers long. the total land area of the project is 547.3hectares, including the river section landscape project from lubanroad bridge to yongjiang river outlet and 23 combined sewageoutlets (including but not limited to) on both sides of xin within the scope of the planned red line, river regulationprojects, river water supply projects, river ecological restorationprojects and river sewage interception projects will be carriedout.

mao zhigang, deputy secretary of the cpc committee of nanningbeitou xinwei river environmental governance co., ltd., toldreporters that recently xinwei river has implemented transitionalblack odor control, and plans to meet the "4+1" target of"guidelines for urban black and odorous water regulation" by theend of this year. in the medium and long term, the river sectionshould be reconstructed, the sewage interception and pollutioncontrol should be carried out, and the water of the inlandriver should be improved, so that xinwei river will become a clean,green and scenic urban inland river.

at present, the construction, dredging and sewage interceptionof the upper and lower reaches of xinwei river sewage treatmentplant are under intensive construction.

preliminary effect of demonstration section of huangnigouharnessing

the huangnigou demonstration section in front of the suluvillage committee in sulu village presents a new look. someresidents enjoy the cool under the big trees by the river, otherswalk along the river. as a result of the heavy rain, the riverstill has some turbidity, but there is no odor. "in the past, theriver was black and dirty. the odor of the river made the villagersclose their doors and windows day and night. when it rained, it wasalso very prone to waterlogging." the change of huangnigou made mr.su, a villager, raise his thumb.

at the beginning of this year, nanning started the constructionof the demonstration section of huangnigou water environmentcomprehensive renovation project. the scope of the project startedat about 50 meters downstream of sulu south road. at last, thesouth side of jinyang kindergarten is 324 meters long, whichincludes river engineering, road engineering, culvert engineering,sewage interception engineering, landscape engineering and so on.at present, the construction of demonstration section has achievedinitial results.

huangnigou, a tributary of xinxu river, originated in thevicinity of taohuayuan district in anji, flowed through ponds ofanimal husbandry farm of guangxi university, into mingyue lake, andfinally into the inland river xinxu river, totaling about 5kilometers, flowing through the living areas of more than 30,000citizens.

huang pengyu, minister of engineering of huangnigou waterenvironment comprehensive renovation project, introduced that themain residential area along huangnigou is sulu village. the actualdrainage system in this area is the combination of rain and sewage.along the huangnigou river, only the pipeline networks of anjiavenue, anyuan road and xiu'an road have been constructed as thediversion of rain and sewage. the development of other sections islagging behind and the two sides live. the sewage from people'slivelihood, farmland cultivation and pond culture are directlydischarged into the river, resulting in the black and odor of theriver water, which seriously affects the lives of the surroundingresidents.

reporters at the scene saw that the road construction on bothsides of the river was completed, and the red permeable concreteroad meandered along the river, with gray-white railings, makingpeople feel comfortable and clean. yan daye, a resident of suluvillage, said, "after treatment, the water of huangnigouhas improved, and there is basically no odor. the riverside hasalso built roads and planted big trees, which has added a goodplace for residents to enjoy the cool and chat.

according to reports, the comprehensive water environmentimprovement project of huangnigou is planned to be completed by theend of this year.

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