Agilent 8990B 峰值功率分析仪
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- 东莞市诚峻信电子有限公司
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- 13929260731
- 手机号
- 18122924682
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- 曾林
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- 东莞市塘厦镇林村新阳路中2号尚林华府12栋903
- 更新时间
- 2020-05-19 11:03
agilent8990b 峰值功率分析仪
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示波器 网络分析仪综合测试仪 频谱分析仪 信号发生器 噪声系数分析仪 音频分析仪数字万用表 程控电源 功率计 频率计 阻抗分析仪视频分析 仪 函数信号发生器 lcr电子测试仪电子负载 万用表校准仪 示波器校准 仪 高压机 数据采集器 接收/发射机 测量接收机 电缆/天线分析仪 调制度分析仪 蓝牙综测仪 gpib卡等
agilent8990b 峰值功率分析仪采用简单易用和高性能的设计,并配备了15英寸xga彩色触摸屏,agilent 8990b峰值功率分析仪可同时显示四个通道结果,提供更多的图像细节。agilent8990b 峰值功率分析仪提供高达 100msa/s的采样率,研发工程师由此可以获得所需的高分辨率来探测信号迹线中的异常情况,从而对设计进行改进。
agilent 8990b 峰值功率分析仪提供了15种预定义的脉冲参数测量,包括上升时间、脉冲倾斜、脉宽和时延等。用户只需在触摸屏上进行两步简单操作,便可让测量自动完成。这些参数可用于功率放大器、tr模块、应答机、雷达测试仪和卫星净荷以及其他测试设备的设计、测试和验证,使工程师不必再进行复杂的脉冲测量。
agilent 8990b峰值功率分析仪主要特性与技术指标
frequency range of 50 mhz to 40 ghz (sensordependant)
dynamic range of -35 to +20 dbm
fast system rise/ fall time of 5nsec
100 msa/ sec continuous sampling with >1500 readings/sec
4 channels (two rf and two video) and compatible with u2000series power sensors connected using the usb hosts
provide 15 pulse characterization measurement with automatedpulse delay measurement between channels
20x zooming capability with dual screen zoomwindow
internal zeroing and calibration
agilent 8990b峰值功率分析仪描述
the 8990b is a peak power analyzer that consists of two rfchannels (1 and 4) and two video channels (2 and 3). when used witha compatible peak power sensor, the 8990b is able to measure thedynamic or time- dependent aspects of rf and microwave power. acombination of the 8990b and the n1923/4a peak power sensor enablesthe rf pulse rise/fall time measurement of up to 5 nsecs. the videoinputs of the 8990b allow the simultaneous analysis of time- domaincontrol signals.
the 8990b has a frequency range of 50 mhz to 40 ghz and adynamic power range of –35 dbm to 20 dbm, depending on the peakpower sensor used. the 8990b is capable of measuring peak power,minimum power, average power, peak- to- average power, pulserepetition interval, pulse repetition rate, rise time, fall time,pulse off time, pulse top, pulse base, pulse width, duty cycle, andovershoot. the 8990b also provides internal and external triggerfunctions.
below are the wideband power sensors design specifically for8990b to achieve the best performance for peak powermeasurement.