- 供应商
- 阳江市超乐五金刀具制品有限公司
- 认证
- 型号
- KM-G139
- 规格
- 常规
- 材质
- 不锈钢
- 联系电话
- 86 0662 2663377
- 手机号
- 13702806655
- 联系人
- 温刘深
- 所在地
- 中国 广东 阳江市江城区 马南路83号三楼
we are a knife factory in yangjiang--chinese knife capital.
we have been in pattern welding steel line since 2007,specializing in classic configuration, particularly the folding,fixed blade and composite blade structures for collection and dailyuse.
we had served as a knife modeler for many knife factories inyangjiang for three years since 2007, that job brought us a chanceto make many famous brand knives and communicate with the knifecompanies and buyers from the usa, europe and japan.
keyman commodity co., ltd. was established in 2007 year andgained a great reputation in the knife marketplace for our ,design and function. we will be fast to make a knife sample foryour approval if you place your knife order to us with your designpaper and logo. even we just have three years experience inhardware trade but we have benefited a great deal when we areworking on the knife pattern and mold tooling. now we are growingup fast to be a skilled knife maker with rich experience inknife-making.
we do not advocate to send any knife samples at a venture if youjust inquire roughly. we think that it will help us to protect therights and interests of our honored customers because most of ourknives are made-to-order. we are proud to be a knife patternmakerat the outset and then become a knife maker in the process of time.that occupational history now is turning to be our vantage in knifemaking. our goal is to produce the best custom and productionknives for your order. if you will buy knives from our keymancommodity co., ltd., you will be surprised that it is amazinglysimple and easy, just like buying from your local distributors. wewill have good production and fast shipping for your company.
thank you for your support and look forward to serving yousoon.