Zytel PA66+PA6 74G33W NC010 含33%玻纤增强,耐候级
- 供应商
- 东莞市佳盼塑胶原料有限公司
- 认证
- 品牌
- Zytel
- 型号
- 74G33W NC010
- 特性
- 含33%玻纤增强
- 联系电话
- 0769-86293439
- 全国服务热线
- 13713434953
- 销售
- 谭先生
- 所在地
- 东莞市樟木头镇塑胶原料市场一期新六栋9号
- 更新时间
- 2024-12-01 08:30
zytel pa66+pa6 74g33w nc010 含33%玻纤增强,耐候级
特点:zytel®74g33w nc010 is a high gloss automotive weatherable black 33% glassreinforced nylon 66 and nylon 6 comelt resin.
pa66+pa674g33w nc010 含33%玻纤增强,耐候级
zytel®74g33w nc010 | (pa66+pa6)-gf33
northamerica, europe, asia pacific, south and central america, neareast/africa, global
commonfeatures of zytel® nylon resin include mechanical and physicalproperties such as high mechanical strength, excellent balance ofstiffness and toughness, good high temperature performance, goodelectrical and flammability properties, good abrasion and chemicalresistance. in addition, zytel® nylon resins are available indifferent modified and reinforced grades to create a wide range ofproducts with tailored properties for specific processes andend-uses. zytel® nylon resin, including most flame retardantgrades, offer the ability to be coloured.
the goodmelt stability of zytel® nylon resin normally enables the recyclingof properly handled production waste. if recycling is not possible,dupont recommends, as the preferred option, incineration withenergy recovery (-31kj/g of base polymer) in appropriately eons. for disposal, local regulations have to beobserved.
zytel®nylon resin typically is used in demanding applications in theautomotive, furniture, domestic appliances, sporting goods andconstruction industry.
zytel®74g33w nc010 is a high gloss automotive weatherable black 33% glassreinforced nylon 66 and nylon 6 comelt resin.
dryingrecommended = yes, if moisture content of resin exceeds recommendedlevel
dryingtemperature = 80℃
dryingtime, dehumidified dryer = 2-4 h
processingmoisture content = <0.2 %
melttemperature optimum = 290℃
melttemperature range = 280-300℃
moldtemperature optimum = 100℃
moldtemperature range = 70-120℃
maximumscrew tangential speed : 0.3 m/s
flow frontspeed : 300 mm/s
holdpressure optimum : 85 mpa
holdpressure range : 50-100 mpa
backpressure : low
holdpressure time : 2.5 s/mm
maximumhold-up time : 10 min