2025 Guangzhou International Solar Photovoltaic Exhibition

2024-09-16 08:30


after 16 sessionsof refinement and innovation, the world solar photovoltaic andenergy storage industry expo has continuously innovated andexpanded with the trust and support of business friends andcolleagues. the exhibition area of this year's expo has reached anew high of 150000 square meters, with over 2000 brand enterprisesmaking brilliant appearances. with a brand new appearance andhigher specifications, it has announced to the world the strengthand determination of china's optical storage industry.


the 17thguangzhou world solar photovoltaic industry expo 2025


(the 17thguangzhou international solar photovoltaic energy storageexhibition)


exhibition time:august 8-10, 2025


exhibitionlocation: guangzhou, china import and export fair exhibitionhall





dr. gopal energy foundation
ippf power asia
iran renewable energy association
pakistan renewable energy society (pres)
clean energy business council(cebc)
india energy storage alliance (iesa)
the association for borderless renewables
sustainable and renewable energy development authority (sreda)
ansole e.v.
djibouti solar industry association (dsia)
alliance for rural electrification(are)
hong kong association of energy engineers
the osgp alliance
world alliance for decentralized energy
african network for solar energy (ansole)
afghanistan renewable energy union
renewable energy confederation of nepal
houston energy club
solar energy society of alberta
abuja solar system dealers and installers association (assdia)
joint forces 4 solar
world energy congress
volta foundation
belgian-chinese chamber of commerce
japan external trade organization
部分国际媒体:solarnews magazine、solarex magazine、energía de hoy、renewablewatch,alternative energy magazine、taiyang news、asia solar pvmagazine 、solar journal、solar 、green plusmagazine、alternative energy africa、the energy industry times、thepowertimes、energy trend、pv europe、pv resources、cleanenergy、era solar magazine、solar journal、alternative energyafrica、renewables now、solar edition、total energy informatics、greenin future、future energy web 、energy cio insights、solar energysystems magazine、energy newspaper 、energy press 、energy np、 theenergy industry times、energetica、energypedia、energy xprt、energycentral 、energy global news、energy worth online等350家,排名不分前后

outlook forguangzhou photovoltaic exhibition 2025:

the continuousinnovation and technological progress of china's photovoltaicindustry have promoted its healthy development, contributing to thecomprehensive promotion of distributed photovoltaic powergeneration and photovoltaic power station construction. the "2025world solar photovoltaic and energy storage industry expo (17thguangzhou international photovoltaic energy storage exhibition)"(pv guangzhou), hosted by guangdong solar energy association,guangdong foreign economic cooperation enterprise association,guangdong guangdong hong kong macao economic and trade cooperationpromotion association, and guangdong hongwei internationalexhibition group co., ltd., will be held from august 8-10, 2025 inzone b of the canton fair exhibition hall in guangzhou! pvguangzhou 2025 is expected to have over 2000 exhibitors, anexhibition area of 150000 square meters, and more than 200000visitors from over 100 countries. it is an important channel fordomestic and foreign brand expansion, the chinese market, thelayout of the global network, and an important platform and tradeorientation for the annual new product release of the photovoltaicindustry.

advantages ofguangzhou photovoltaic exhibition 2025

1. creating abrand and expanding into new markets: pvguangzhou will strive tobecome an important trading platform in south china and even thewhole country.

2. promotingexports and targeting a large purchasing group: pvguangzhou relieson the status of guangzhou city and the hosting unit's vastoverseas purchasing resource library to actively assist enterprisesin expanding their markets.

3. boostingdomestic demand and expanding domestic sales: increasing theproportion of new and renewable energy in china's energy structureis an established development goal.

4. gatheringbuyers and creating an efficient platform for enterprise marketing:the exhibition will organize a wide range of buyers, industrydistributors and agents, engineering units, etc. to participate inthe exhibition.

5. gatheringelites to discuss new breakthroughs in industry development: summitforums, expert lectures and other activities will be held duringthe exhibition.

[scope ofexhibits]

productiontechnology and research e: photovoltaic cells: photovoltaiccell manufacturers, battery module manufacturers, battery moduleinstallers;

components:battery, charger, controller, converter, recorder, inverter,monitor, bracket/tracking system, cable, etc;

photovoltaic rawmaterials: silicon materials, silicon ingots/blocks, siliconwafers, packaging glass, packaging films, other raw materials;

photovoltaicengineering and systems: mobile energy, off grid solar photovoltaicsystems, photovoltaic system integration, solar photovoltaic energystorage technology e and systems, smart grid energy storagepower station systems, solar air conditioning systems, ruralphotovoltaic power generation systems, solar detection and controlsystems, solar heating system engineering, photovoltaic buildingintegration technology, solar photovoltaic engineering processcontrol, engineering management and software developmentsystems.

photovoltaicproduction e: silicon rod, silicon block, and silicon ingotproduction e: a complete set of production lines, ingotfurnaces, crucibles, growth furnaces, and other relatede;

silicon waferproduction e: complete set of production lines, cuttinge, cleaning e, testing e, and other relatede;

batteryproduction e: production lines, etching e,diffusion furnaces, laminating e/deposition furnaces,printing machines, testers, and sorting machines, etc; productione for solar panels/components: complete production line,testing e, glass cleaning e, wiring/weldinge, laminating e, etc; thin film battery productione: amorphous silicon battery, copper indium galliumdiselenide battery cis/cigs, cadmium telluride thin film batterycdte, dye sensitization, battery, dssc, etc.

solarphotovoltaic application products: solar street lights, lawnlights, courtyard lights, navigation lights, agriculturalinsecticidal lights, chargers, signal lights, traffic warninglights, solar information display screens, power supply systems,mobile chargers, water pumps, solar household products, and othersolar products.

◆ solar thermalpower generation system: trough type collection system, tower typecollection system, disc type generation system, fresnel collectionsystem, stirling generator, collection tube, steam turbine, energystorage material, storage e, heat exchanger, heat transferoil, transmission tube, tracking control system, detectione, coating e, high-temperature pump valve,insulation material, various sensors, etc.

◆ [energy storageapplication exhibition area] energy storage technology, eand materials, energy storage power stations and epc projects,energy storage application products, energy storage systemsolutions, energy storage accessories.

◆ [energy storagesystem integration and operation exhibition area] photovoltaicenergy storage integration products, systems and solutions,photovoltaic energy storage investment products, relatedphotovoltaic and energy storage derivative products, etc.

[booth fees andconference publication advertising fees]


1. domesticenterprises (standard exhibition area of 9 square meters,specifications: 3mx3m)

deluxe standardbooth standard booth open space booth

rmb 13800/piecermb 9800/piece rmb 1000/㎡


2. overseasenterprises (double booth with an additional charge of usd 100 perbooth)

standard boothusd 2200/open space booth usd 220/㎡

standard booth:three white panels (2.5 meters high), one negotiation table, twofolding chairs, two fluorescent lamps, chinese and english fasciaboards, carpet.

open space booth:without any facilities, enterprises need to design and decoratethemselves. the organizing committee will charge a decorationmanagement fee of 50 yuan/m2 on behalf of the exhibition hall.



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