无线充设备美国FCC认证 第三方检测机构 一站式服务 fcc-id认证
- 供应商
- 质海检测技术(深圳)有限公司
- 认证
- 品牌
- QTL质海检测
- 检测认证
- 第三方检测机构
- 服务类型
- 检测报告,检测认证
- 联系电话
- 18923798009
- 手机号
- 18923798009
- 联系人
- 刘工
- 所在地
- 深圳市宝安区新桥街道黄埔社区黄埔东环路408-1号101
- 更新时间
- 2025-03-12 07:14
fcc part 15 - computing devices, cordless telephones, satellitereceivers, tv interface devices, receivers, lowpowertransmitters
fcc part 18 - lndustrial, scientific, and medical e, i.e.microwave, rf lighting ballast (lsm)
fcc part 22-cellulartelephones
fcc part 24 - personal communications systems, covers licensedpersonal communications services
fcc part 68 - all types oftelecommunications terminal e,i.e. telephones ,modems,etc
fcc part 74 - experimental radio, auxiliary, special broadcast andother program distributional services
fcc part 90 - private land mobile radio services includes pagingdevices and mobile radio transmitters, covers land mobileradioproducts such as high- powered walkie-talkies
fcc part 95 - personal radio service,includes devices such ascitizens band (cb) transmiters, radio-controlled (r/c) toys,anddevices forutilization under the family radio service