AVR JTAGICE3仿真器 atmel 原装进口 新货源
- 供应商
- 杭州安米电子有限公司
- 认证
- 类型
- 品牌
- ATMEL/爱特梅尔
- 型号
- mk3
- 联系电话
- 86 0571 89908193
- 业务员
- 章国平
- 所在地
- 拱墅区登云路518号2幢315室
mid-range in-circuit debugger and programmer for atmel 8-bit and32-bit avr microcontrollers with on-chip debugging for source levelsymbolic debugging, nanotrace (if supported by the device) anddevice programming.
jtagice3 supports the following programming modes:
it also supports debugging using the following interfaces:
supports a large number of avr devicessupports up to 3 hardware program breakpoints or 1 maskabledata breakpoint (depending on the ocd module on the avrdevice)supports symbolic debug of complex data types including scopeinformation.supports up to 128 software breakpointslevel converters support 1.8v to 5.5v target operationuploads 256kb code in ~ 15 seconds (xmega using jtaginterface)hi-speed usb connection to host pc firmware upgradeable forsupporting future avr devicessupports nanotrace (depending on the ocd module on the avrdevice; uses target device's memory)usb powered.jtagice3 is supported by avr studio 5.
the jtagice3 kit also includes adapters for use with the variousphysical interfaces.
jtagice3 unitusb high speed cable~1.5m50-mil squid cable50-mil idc cableadapter kit consisting of 10-pin100 mil, 6-pin 100 mil, and 6-pin 50 mil