yb技术参数 yb technicalspecifications
精度等级:0.25%;0.4% accuracy: 0.25%;0.4%
测量范围:0.1 至 100mpa range: 0.1to 100mpa
波登管/ 接头:0-10mpa为磷青铜 c 型波登管与 burdon tube: 10mpa-to- tin welding between phosphorbronze
黄铜接头锡焊接。 c-type burdon tube andbrass.
仪表机芯:铜合金带宝石轴承 movement: copper alloy
仪表连接:m20 × 1.5 外螺纹 connection: m20×1.5 out thread(other standard
(可选其他标准连接) connections available)
仪表外壳:铁喷黑塑 case: steel with black ptfe
防爆片材质:橡胶 blast-proof flake: rubber
仪表度盘:不锈钢双层镜面,带有调零装置。 dial: stainless steel double glasses, withzero adjustable set.
表针:65mo锰,黑色刀锋式 pointer:65mo, steel, knife end
ybh技术参数 ybh technical specifications
测量范围:0~160mpa range: 0~160mpa
波登管/ 接头:0- 至 -10mpa不锈钢c 型波登管 burdon tube/socket: 0-to- 10mpaargonarc welding between stainless
与不锈钢接头氩弧焊接; steel c-typeburdon tube and stainless steel socket.
16-至 -160mpa不锈钢螺旋波登管 1 6-to-160mpa argonarc welding between stainless steelhelical
与不锈钢接头氩弧焊接。 tube and stainlesssteel socket.
仪表外壳:不锈钢 本色 case: stainless steel, original colour
其他 同 yb otherfeatures as yb