新昌县UPS快递公司 新昌县UPS快递服务邮寄站点
- 供应商
- 安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司
- 认证
- 报价
- ¥13.00元每千克
- 服务类型
- 国际快递门到门服务
- 服务区域
- 全境取件上门
- 服务时效
- 全球3-7天送达
- 联系电话
- 18021337385
- 手机号
- 18055119447
- 联系人
- 叶经理
- 所在地
- 安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
- 更新时间
- 2025-03-08 09:15
ups® (nyse: ups) officially opened its new package sorting anddelivery center near ljubljana, to support slovenian companies asthey turn to e-commerce and exports to grow their business. locatedin zgornji brnik, near ljubljana international airport and part ofthe ljubljana business center, the new ups facility will help largeand small companies in slovenia be part of the country’s sustainedgrowth in exports which was forecasted at more than 10% in2019.[1]
“slovenia is located at the crossroads of european traderoutes, so we have invested in this new facility to help ourcustomers reach new export opportunities in neioring countriesaustria and italy, as well as eastern european and worldwidedestinations, by connecting them to ups’s smart global logisticsnetwork,” said yannick moojiman, managing director for upsslovenia, hungary, greece and romania. “as the global economycontinues to shift, this facility gives our customers the bestpossible resources to meet the future logistics challenges of the‘new normal’.”
the new ljubljana center has an operating area of nearly 1,400square meters and a sorting capacity of 2,500 packages per hour,which is double the capacity of the building it replaces. this willhelp ups fine-tune its package, freight and supply chain services,to cater to the ever-growing and complex needs of slovenianbusinesses of all sizes. ups has operated in slovenia since 1991and now has 110 delivery vehicles serving customers across thecountry.
the new facility is part of the company’s multi-year, $2billion european investment plan, which aims to modernize andexpand the ups network across the continent. in addition toslovenia, ups recently announced a new facility in prague in theczech republic, as well as new hubs in the united kingdom andfrance. as a result of these and other investments, customersacross europe can now ship to more than 80% of europe’s populationwithin two business days using ups standard, ups’s most economicalground-based service.