东阳市联邦国际快递 东阳市联邦国际快递邮寄中心 下单邮寄
- 供应商
- 安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司
- 认证
- 报价
- ¥13.00元每千克
- 服务类型
- 国际快递门到门服务
- 服务区域
- 全境取件上门
- 服务时效
- 全球3-7天送达
- 联系电话
- 18021337385
- 手机号
- 18055119447
- 联系人
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- 所在地
- 安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
- 更新时间
- 2025-03-07 09:15
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frankfurt a.m germany, 24 november 2017—say good-bye tospending christmas stuck in a traffic jam: a majority of germanconsumers (62%) would purchase christmas gifts online and have themshipped to friends and loved ones. according to a studycommissioned by fedex express one-fifth of german consumers (20%)definitely plan to send gifts to close friends and close familymembers this holiday season.
the survey showed that the top factors were distance (63%) andsurprise (21%), with saving time (7%) and cost (5%) ranking loweron the list, according to the respondents who are definitelyplanning to send christmas presents by post this year. among thenotable findings: many respondents are generally willing to sendgifts to close friends (22%) and younger relatives such as theirown children (22%) or siblings (20%), while far fewer would sendgifts to their grandparents (10%).
“nowadays, christmas gifts arrive by home delivery. the surveyresults can be seen as a broader shift to online commerce, withmany companies gearing up to accommodate changing consumer tastesand habits,” says thomas preuss, managing director, sales for fedexexpress in germany. “the survey shows that consumers of all agesnow view christmas as a prime opportunity for online shopping tosurprise loved ones with unexpected gifts, especially those who maylive far away.”
the run-up to christmas is the busiest time of the year forexpress distribution companies. volume is driven by the growth ofe-commerce, with the highest surges on mondays. fedex expects tosee a record number of packages traverse the company’s globalnetwork over the 2017 peak holiday shipping season. for the totalseason, volumes between 380-400 million packages are expected,including the three mondays during peak with more than double theaverage daily volume.
“in today’s digitalized world, online shopping can be used todeepen relationships and make it easier to spread christmas joy.christmas is the season of giving – and today’s technology as wellas hundreds of thousands of couriers located around the world makeit all happen,” preuss said.
more information about the holiday season can be foundhere: