舟山DHL国际快递公司 舟山DHL快递下单 DHL快递空运
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- 安徽瀚徽国际货运代理有限公司
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- ¥23.00元每千克
- 服务类型
- 国际快递门到门服务
- 服务区域
- 全境取件上门
- 服务时效
- 全球3-7天送达
- 联系电话
- 18021337385
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- 18055119447
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- 所在地
- 安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
- 更新时间
- 2024-12-22 09:15
德国邮政敦豪集团的管理委员会和监事会将在下届年度股东大会上向股东提议,管理委员会的薪酬制度将更加紧密地与可持续的业务发展保持一致。未来,在计算管理委员会的薪酬时将考虑esg 目标的实现——这清楚地表明对可持续业务的承诺是 deutsche post dhl 集团的首要任务。
“作为世界上的物流公司,我们有责任物流行业走向可持续发展的未来。我们正在将我们的黄色集团变成一家绿色公司,为我们的地球和社会做出重要贡献,”弗兰克说德国邮政敦豪集团执行官阿佩尔。“我相信,通过更加关注我们的esg 目标,我们将继续成为客户、员工和投资者的——从而为长期的经济成功奠定基础。”
对可持续发展的承诺是德国邮政敦豪集团企业文化不可或缺的一部分。自 2008年以来,集团制定了雄心勃勃的可持续发展目标,例如减少二氧化碳排放。2017 年,集团成为全球设定到 2050年将温室气体排放量降至零的物流公司。为此,公司提供众多创新解决方案,使供应链更具可持续性,并帮助客户实现他们的环境目标。随着 2019年推出的“2025 战略”,可持续发展已成为企业战略的基本组成部分。
frank appel:“covid-19再次强化了我们这个时代的主要大趋势:全球化、数字化、电子商务和可持续发展——我们‘2025年战略’的四个驱动因素。在这些主题中,可持续发展是zui紧迫的挑战。随着我们的可持续发展路线图,我们正在加紧努力,明确推进联合国的可持续发展目标。”
在应对气候变化的过程中,德国邮政敦豪集团致力于实现雄心勃勃的二氧化碳减排目标,作为基于科学的目标倡议的一部分。本集团假设,如果不采取新的可持续发展路线图的措施,其2030 年的排放量将约为 4600 万吨。2020 年的排放量为 3300万公吨。如今,尽管全球物流活动预计将持续强劲增长,但公司仍致力于到 2030 年将这些年度集团二氧化碳排放量减少到 2900万吨以下。
为实现这一目标,德国邮政敦豪集团将投资约 70亿欧元(运营支出和资本支出)气候中和物流解决方案到2030年,由此产生的至2023年的支出,已在3月9日通报的至2023年投资计划中考虑。对于短途和一公里,集团继续推进车队电动化.到 2030 年,全球 60% 的一英里送货车辆将采用电动汽车,因此将有超过 80,000 辆电动汽车上路。2020 年,这一数字为18%。
在更长的航线上,尤其是在航空运输中,在可预见的未来,电力驱动不是替代品。这就是为什么德国邮政敦豪集团正在推动开发和使用由可再生能源生产的燃料:到2030 年,可持续燃料将满足航空和航线运输中至少 30%的燃料需求。此外,集团正在投资环保物业(办公空间、邮件和包裹中心以及物流仓库):所有正在建造的新建筑都将是气候中性的。
基于“尊重与结果”的企业价值观,德国邮政敦豪集团还将进一步促进组织内的包容性和平等机会。到 2025年,女性高管在管理中的比例应该从今天的 23.2% 增加到至少30%。“我们积极的多元化员工队伍是服务质量和高客户满意度的关键。满意的客户是经济成功的基础。这是我们坚信积极促进平等机会值得积极推广的另一个原因”,德国邮政dhl 集团人力资源官兼劳工总监 thomas ogilvie 说。
德国邮政敦豪集团还打算进一步扩大其社会贡献未来几年的社会。集团承诺每年将其净利润的 1%投资于其社会影响计划和举措。这gotrade该计划于 2020年秋季启动,重点是让发展中国家的中小企业进入全球市场,从而促进跨境贸易。这去帮助灾难响应计划在发生灾难时提供快速且免费的紧急后勤援助。本集团亦继续扩大goteach计划,该计划提高了因贫困、失去亲人或逃离灾难而生活在社会弱势环境中的年轻人的就业能力,为他们准备成功过渡到工作世界的必要技能。
deutsche post dhl group is increasing the pace of its planneddecarbonization of the company. to this end, the group is investinga total of 7 billion euros (opex and capex) over the next ten yearsin measures to reduce its co2 emissions. the funds will flow inparticular into alternative aviation fuels, the expansion of thezero-emission e-vehicle fleet and climate-neutral buildings. alongthe way towards its zero emissions target by 2050, which hasalready been in force for 4 years, the company is committing tonew, ambitious interim targets. for example, deutsche post dhlgroup commits as part of the acclaimed science based targetinitiative (sbti) to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 inline with the paris climate agreement.
the climate targets are part of deutsche post dhl group's newsustainability roadmap, in which the company sets out its esg goalsfor the next years. in addition to its commitment to theenvironment, the group also defines clear targets and measures inthe areas of social responsibility and governance.
new sustainability roadmap
the board of management and supervisory board of deutsche postdhl group will propose to shareholders at the next annual generalmeeting that the remuneration system for the board of managementwill be aligned even more closely with sustainable businessdevelopment. in the future, the achievement of esg targets will betaken into account when calculating the remuneration of the boardof management - a clear signal that the commitment to sustainablebusiness is a top priority at deutsche post dhl group.
"as the world's largest logistics company, it is ourresponsibility to lead the way and guide the logistics industryinto a sustainable future. we are turning our yellow group into agreen company and making an important contribution to our planetand society," says frank appel, ceo of deutsche post dhl group. "iam convinced that by focusing even more on our esg goals, we willremain the first choice for customers, employees and investors -and thus lay the foundations for long-term economic success."
a commitment to sustainability is an integral part of deutschepost dhl group's corporate culture. since 2008, the group has hadambitious sustainability targets, for example with regard to co2reduction. in 2017, the group became the first logistics company inthe world to set a target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissionsto net zero by 2050. to this end, the company offers numerousinnovative solutions to make supply chains more sustainable andhelp its customers achieve their environmental goals. with"strategy 2025" introduced in 2019, sustainability has become afundamental component of the corporate strategy.
frank appel: "covid-19 has once again reinforced the majormegatrends of our time: globalization, digitalization, e-commerceand sustainability - the four drivers of our 'strategy 2025'. ofthese topics, sustainability is the most pressing challenge. withour sustainability roadmap, we are stepping up our efforts andexplicitly promoting the sustainable development goals of theunited nations."
environment: billions invested in alternative fuels,e-mobility and climate-neutral buildings
in the fight against climate change, deutsche post dhl groupis committed to ambitious co2 reduction targets as part of thescience based target initiative. the group assumes that itsemissions would be around 46 million tons in 2030 without themeasures of the new sustainability roadmap. in 2020, emissions were33 million metric tons. today, the company is committed to reducingthese annual group co2 emissions to below 29 million tons by 2030,despite the expected continued strong growth in global logisticsactivities.
to achieve this, deutsche post dhl group will invest around 7billion euros (opex and capex) in climate-neutral logisticssolutions by 2030. the expenditures arising from this up to 2023have already been taken into account in the investment plan up to2023 communicated on march 9. for short distances and the lastmile, the group is continuing to drive forward the electrificationof its vehicle fleet. by 2030, 60 percent of global deliveryvehicles for the last mile are to be electrically powered, hencemore than 80,000 e-vehicles will be on the road. in 2020, thefigure was 18 percent.
on longer routes, especially in air transport, electric drivesare not an alternative for the foreseeable future. that is whydeutsche post dhl group is pushing for the development and use offuels produced from renewable energies: by 2030, at least 30percent of fuel re in aviation and line haul are to becovered by sustainable fuels. in addition, the group is investingin environment friendly properties (office space, mail and parcelcenters, and logistics warehouses): all new buildings are beingconstructed will be climate-neutral.