美国US蓄电池US125XC2 6V242AH铅酸储备放电电源
- 供应商
- 狮克电源(山东)有限公司
- 认证
- 报价
- ¥1080.00元每只
- 品牌
- 美国US蓄电池
- 型号
- US125XC2
- 产地
- 美国
- 联系电话
- 13240167779
- 手机号
- 13240167779
- 联系人
- 肖红
- 所在地
- 北京市昌平区沙顺路88号
- 更新时间
- 2025-03-06 08:20
美国us蓄电池us125xc2 6v242ah铅酸储备放电电源
u.s.battery’s flooded lead acid us 250 xc2 flooded 6v batteries areengineered and proven to provide the fastest cycle-up to full ratedcapacity, and have the highest total energy delivered over the lifeof the battery. building the best flooded lead acid battery on themarket comes from a better battery cell design, hand-madeconstruction, and attention to details. made in america, u.s.battery fla batteries utilize the company’s exclusive xc2™formulation and diamond plate technology®, allowing them to reachpeak capacity in fewer cycles, higher total energy delivery, and anextended battery life.