柬埔寨LOWES验厂审核文件清单内容 ZARA验厂前如何自我评审
- 供应商
- 深圳市凯冠企业管理咨询有限公司
- 认证
- 报价
- ¥7000.00元每件
- 联系电话
- 0755-84039032
- 手机号
- 13302430016
- 联系人
- 梁小姐
- 所在地
- 深圳市龙岗区南湾街道下李朗社区布澜路17号富通海海智科技园6栋一单元612
- 更新时间
- 2024-12-02 08:00
一、近十二个月成品质量抽查的统计数据 last 12 months finalpre-shipment audit statistical data
二、近十二个月准时交货的统计数据 last 12 months on timedelivery statistical data
三、厂房平面图 factory layout diagram
四、员工招聘 recruitment
1、招聘守则 guidelines for recruitment
2、职位说明书 job description
五、员工培训 employee training
1、员工守则培训课程大纲 factory rules and regulations foremployees
2、 员工培训纪录 records of employeetraining
3、个别岗位特殊技能培训课程大纲 training contents of skills required forindividual post
六、消防安全政策和操作程序 fire safety precautionpolicies and operating procedures
we expect thefactory maintain a safe working environment with regular review andmonitor on:
1、有足够的应急出口和保持通道畅通无阻 sufficient emergency exits and unblockedpassage
sufficientfire fighting e are in place, e.g. fire extinguishers,water hydrants, emergency light and exit sign, evacuation diagram,etc. which meets prc national standard gbj16-87 andgbj140
3、将易燃化学品(如油漆、稀释剂等)进行隔离和适当的储存 segregation and proper storage of flammablechemicals, e.g. paints, thinner, etc.
4、保持所有的消防设施运作正常 all fire fighting e are under goodworking conditions
七、质量系统的规范文件 system policies andoperating procedures
1、工厂组织架构图 factory organization chart
2、质量主管的报告渠道 reporting channel for persons in department
3、质量主管的职责介定 roles and responsibilities of key persons in organization
4、对供应商的质量要求及监管 vendor re and performancemonitoring
5、挑选供应商的手续及质量审查程序 vendor selection procedures and assessment procedures
6、各质检岗位的工作指引 operating procedures for individual control stations