PMMA 德国赢创 罗姆 Plexiglas NTA-3 汽车行业
- 供应商
- 深圳市福禄克科技有限公司
- 认证
- 德国赢创
- 手机号
- 13410732466
- 联系人
- 赵经理
- 所在地
- 深圳市光明区凤凰街道塘家社区张屋新村十三巷1号1403-7(注册地址)
- 更新时间
- 2024-04-24 09:45
vi-chem pvc v142-70是一种易弯曲的聚氯乙燃材料。该产品在北美洲有供货。 vi-hem pvcv142-701的典型应用领域为:汽车行业plexigia+ h-glos nta-3 is a compound with anincreased heat delection temperature based on polymethymethacrvlate (pmma).besides the welknown properties of plexiglas*molding compound, such as ood flow high mar esistance good weatherresistance good polishabilty plexiglas* h-glo:nta-3 offers theadded benefit of increased heat delection emperature underload.applicaton: plexiglas h-glos nta-3 is particularly suitableforinjection molding technical components. 0wing to its superiorbrilliance, high-gloss (class a) surfaces can be obtained in opa examples.automotive body parts: window channels, pillarpanels