- 供应商
- 江苏北禾电源设备有限公司
- 认证
- 报价
- ¥450.00元每个
- 品牌
- 艾诺斯华达
- 型号
- 12V100AH
- 质保
- 三年
- 联系电话
- 13057554313
- 手机号
- 13057554313
- 经理
- 梁华东
- 所在地
- 南京市栖霞区八卦洲街道鹂岛路270号八卦洲创业园A栋办公楼1-2391(注册地址)
- 更新时间
- 2024-11-19 07:00
产品介绍一、艾诺斯华达蓄电池简介:从美国引进世界**的全套生产设备和检测技术,是我国家生产阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池大型厂家。公司现为美国大型跨国公司enersys(艾诺斯)电池集团公司的外商独资企业。enersys(艾诺斯)电池集团与hawker电池集团合并为一大电池集团,在英国、澳大利亚、美国、法国、德国、俄罗斯、加拿大、意大利、丹麦等都拥有大型阀控式电池生产厂,华达电源公司是其在亚太地区投资的唯一一家大型阀控式电池制造公司,生产华达牌电池。华达电源公司在深圳市蛇口工业区及江苏省江都市建有大型生产基地。经过十来年的发展,华达电源公司已建成由深圳华达、江苏华达和深圳市华达电源机电有限公司(销售公司)为主体,集开发、生产、销售阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池为一体的集团性公司。二、艾诺斯华达蓄电池12vnp系列说明:艾诺斯华达蓄电池12vnp系列主要用于电力.电信及大型ups,有12v、一种单体电压等级,共有25ah、38ah、50ah、65ah、80ah、100ah、150ah,200ah等8个容量的8种规格.三、艾诺斯华达蓄电池12vnp系列型号列表: 序号型号电压(v)额定容量(ah)基本尺寸(mm)重量(kg)长(l)宽(w)高(h)使用:推荐使用带温度补偿的充电设备。浮充时(交流成分)峰值电压小于2.5%。放电过程中,当蓄电池端电压降到规定的终止电压时,应立即停止放电;否则,将因过放电而缩短蓄电池寿命。放电
卫星到潜艇,从半挂车到变电站,从叉车到 5g 网络,我们始终充满激情地维持世界的正常运转。
enersys® 提供的解决方案支持通信网络的重要部分,实现安全和不间断运行。
当就绪性和可靠性至关重要时,enersys® 电池就会在各类苛刻环境下的关键应用中奋力工作。高性能、低维护和长寿命是 enersys产品的特点。无论何时何地,只要任务需要,随时准备好迎接挑战。
无论是银行业、在线游戏、社交媒体、远程工作还是流媒体,每天都会耗用成千上万吉字节的数据。 这些数量庞大的数据必须可供 24/7全天候访问。 如果发生停电,为不间断电源应用设计的电池有助于确保关键任务设施在不中断的情况下保持在线。
无论您是在家里还是在上班,在教室还是四处旅行,您的安全都至关重要。我们依赖于各种标牌、系统和仪器,它们都离不开 enersys®的可靠电源解决方案。
那么,为什么选择与 enersys®合作呢?简而言之,这是因为我们希望帮助您实现目标。我们拥有丰富的解决方案和服务组合,可提供完整的交钥匙电力解决方案。我们的强项不仅在于我们的技术,也在于我们的全球团队及其拥有的多元化专业知识。
室外微站用于补充宏站网络,可在城区提供**覆盖,提供额外容量为宏站减荷(增密),为郊区提供经济型解决方案。它们正成为无线网络的重要组成部分,也是成功部署 5g 的关键组件。
“我们一直以来的痛点来自传统电池带来的风险和停机。 作为一款几乎无需维护的电池,仓库中安装的 nexsys®电池为我们大大提高了生产效率。 我们保持正常运行至关重要。 无服务问题或安全性担忧。 我们只需插入电源就可以充电。”
enersys® (nyse:ens), the global leader in stored energy solutionsfor industrial applications, has secured the 2023 power project ofthe year award at the electrical review & data centre reviewexcellence awards.
this recognition is a testament to the company’s commitment toexcellence, innovation, and sustainability in data center energystorage and power management. as a leader in energy-efficienttechnologies, enersys® is dedicated to providing its customers withthe most reliable, secure, and sustainable solutions for their datacenter needs.
the power project of the year award recognizes innovative energysolutions that demonstrate a commitment to excellence in electricalengineering and power systems, as well as sustainability byreducing energy consumption and lowering carbon emissions.
enersys® data centers’ winning project was a comprehensive upgradeproject utilizing the datasafe® xe battery range at one of the uk’smost celebrated and oldest universities. the installation of thesehigh-efficiency energy storage solutions – backed by our advancedthin plate pure lead (tppl) technology – delivered significantspace savings compared to the previous battery footprint. the wideroperating temperature range of the datesafe® xe enabled thecustomer to increase the ambient on-site operating temperature toachieve a significant capex saving by reducing the site’s coolingre and the associated costs.
"we are proud to have earned the power project of the year at theelectrical review & data centre review excellence awards,” saidenersys® data center market director, e*** fabio cattarina." thisrecognition is a testament to our commitment to providing ourcustomers with innovative, sustainable, and reliable energy storagesolutions. we look forward to continuing to deliverindustry-leading power technologies for our customers in the yearsto come.
"with this award, enersys® has further demonstrated its commitmentto providing innovative and sustainable solutions for data centerpower management. we are honored to be recognized with thisprestigious award and look forward to continued success in theyears ahead.
for more information about enersys data centers, and its full lineof products, systems, and support, visit www.enersys.com.
enersys®, the global leader in stored energy solutions forindustrial applications, manufactures and distributes energysystems solutions and motive power batteries, specialty batteries,battery chargers, power e, battery accessories and outdoore enclosure solutions to customers worldwide. energysystems, which combine enclosures, power conversion, powerdistribution and energy storage, are used in the telecommunication,broadband and utility industries, uninterruptible power supplies,and numerous applications. motive power batteries and chargers areutilized in electric forklift trucks and other industrial electricpowered vehicles re stored energy solutions. specialtybatteries are used in aerospace and defense applications, largeover-the-road trucks, premium automotive, medical and securitysystems applications. enersys also provides aftermarket andcustomer support services to its customers in over 100 countriesthrough its sales and manufacturing locations around the world.with the northstar ac, enersys has solidified its positionas the market leader for premium thin plate pure lead batterieswhich are sold across all three lines of business. more informationregarding enersys can be found at www.enersys.com.
sustainabilitysustainability at enersys® is about more than just the benefits andimpacts of our products. our commitment to sustainabilityencompasses many important environmental, social and governanceissues. sustainability is a fundamental part of how we manage ourown operations. minimizing our environmental footprint is apriority. sustainability is our commitment to our employees, ourcustomers and the communities we serve. our products facilitatepositive environmental, social and economic impacts around theworld. to learn more visit:https://www.enersys.com/en/about-us/sustainability/.
cautionconcerning forward looking statementsenersys is making this statement in order to satisfy the “safeharbor” provision contained in the private securities litigationreform act of 1995. any of the statements contained in this pressrelease that are not statements of historical fact may includeforward-looking statements that involve a number of risks anduncertainties. a forward-looking statement predicts, projects, oruses future events as expectations or possibilities.forward-looking statements may be based on expectations concerningfuture events and are subject to risks and uncertainties relatingto operations and the economic environment, all of which aredifficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control. fora discussion of such risks and uncertainties that could causeactual results to differ materially from those matters expressed inor implied by forward-looking statements, please see our riskfactors as disclosed in the “risk factors” section of our annualreport on form 10-k for the most recently ended fiscal year. thestatements in this press release are made as of the date of thispress release, even if subse made available by enersys onits website or otherwise. enersys does not undertake any obligationto update or revise these statements to reflect events orcircumstances occurring after the date of this press release.