11-62a系列低噪声多翼离心通风机是为适应日益发展净化工业及环保降噪的需要而设计制作的。风机在设计时采用噪声、效率及各项气动参数的多目标优化设计方案,实现了整机的性能匹配,具有良好的气动性能。叶轮经严格的动平衡校正,故运转平稳、噪声低、振动少、寿命长。广泛适用于单位食堂、宾馆酒楼、饮食店等公共场所的厨房排风、抽油烟或通风换气之用,并适宜在粮食机械、化工机械、塑料机械等生产设备上使用。l-62a单进风参数 performance induction 11-62a series multi-vanecentrifugal fans with low noise are developed in order to adapt tothe re from the development of purification industrialand environmental noise reduction. the fans adopt the multi-purposeoptimized design schemes in aspect of noise, efficiency and variouspneumatic parameters. they fulfill the finest overall frameperformance matching and good pneumatic performance.性能参数performance parameter list 型号machine (no) 转速revolution (r/min)功率power (w) 风量airflow (m3/h) 全压pitot pressure (pa) 2.8a 2900 1.5-21-606 3.2a 2900 2..2-2 -198 3.6a 290030.-2 4012-7419 1578-898