洛阳DHL国际快递邮寄包裹 洛阳DHL下单寄件
- 供应商
- 安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司
- 认证
- 报价
- ¥38.00元每千克
- 国际快递
- 国际空运
- 全球送达
- 上门取件
- 免费包装
- 联系电话
- 15955942666
- 手机号
- 18010889846
- 销售经理
- 程瑞
- 所在地
- 安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
- 更新时间
- 2025-03-08 20:00
由于与 gerlach customs的合作,托运人总是有一位称职的专家在他们身边,在整个海关程序中为他们提供支持。该公司成立于 1881 年,因此在清关领域拥有 140多年的经验。gerlach 在 27 个欧洲国家/地区拥有 170 个办事处和 1000 多名海关专家,涵盖了整个海关服务范围。对于gerlach germany 执行官 thomas weins而言,此次合作证明了两家公司以客户为导向:“客户的优势是显而易见的:他们在 salodo上表达了对运输订单的海关要求之后!平台,他们可以与我们无缝地继续进一步的海关相关步骤。通过这种方式,
一家已经定期通过 salodo 运送到瑞士的公司!并使用 gerlach 海关的服务是来自德国普福尔茨海姆的flight13 duplication。该公司提供 cd、dvd和黑胶唱片的复制品,并交付给欧洲各地的客户。“当然,我们以前曾将货物运往瑞士,但从未像使用 saloodo!那样轻松。我们将运输订单放在平台上,从收到的报价中为我们选择合适的承运人并预订运输。很快,负责清关的 gerlach员工就会与我们联系。flight13 duplication 的董事总经理 bj?rn bieber说,这真的非常高效和容易。
随着往返瑞士的交通整合,saloodo! 再次证明了其数字化领导力和对客户愿望的敏捷实施。4 大洲 50 多个国家的30,000 多名托运人和 12,000 多家运输公司每天都在体验这种以客户为中心的理念。自从萨洛多!成立于 2016年,该公司不断扩展,也在欧洲以外,进入中东、非洲和南美洲等增长市场。去年,萨洛多!推出统一的全球公路运输数字货运市场,实现无缝跨境和跨市场运输。*近,
due to the cooperation with gerlach customers, shippers alwayshave a competent expert at their side to support them in the wholecustoms process. the company was founded in 1881, so it has morethan 140 years of experience in the field of customs clearance.gerlach has 170 offices and more than 1000 customs experts in 27european countries/regions, covering the entire range of customsservices. for thomas weins, executive officer of gerlach germany,this cooperation proves that the two companies arecustomer-oriented: "the advantages of customers are obvious: afterthey express their customs re for transportation orderson salodo! the platform, they can seamlessly continue furthercustoms related steps with us. in this way,
a company that has regularly shipped to switzerland throughsalodo! the service using gerlach customs is flight13 duplicationfrom pfordsheim, germany. the company provides copies of cds, dvdsand vinyl records and delivers them to customers across europe. "ofcourse, we have shipped goods to switzerland before, but it hasnever been as easy as using saloodo!. we put the transportationorder on the platform, select the right carrier for us from the received and book the transportation. soon, the gerlachstaff responsible for customs clearance will contact us. bj? rnbieber, the managing director of flight13 duplication, said that itis really very efficient and easy.
with the integration of transportation to and from switzerland,saloodo! it has once again proved its digital leadership and agileimplementation of customers' wishes. more than 30000 shippers andmore than 12000 transportation companies from more than 50countries on four continents are experiencing this customer-centricconcept every day. since salomon! founded in 2016, the company hascontinued to expand and enter growth markets in the middle east,africa and south america outside europe. last year, salomon! wewill launch a unified global road transport digital freight marketto achieve seamless cross-border and cross-market transport.lately,