铝门窗设备,断桥铝门窗设备,铝合金门窗设备,铝塑复合门窗设备,铝木复合门窗设备:电话: 求求: 联系人:张小姐 网址:www.huanuodkj.com /i.com
塑料门窗二位焊接机hj02-3500.2/2.a two-head welding machine
本机主要用于塑料门窗焊接加工。 可实现二点、单点、中梃、十字梃、异型角焊接,两个机头可同时工作,也可组合或单独工作。 plc 微机控制、气压传动,操作简单、可靠性高。
used for welding pvc door-window welding three-point, two point, single point, transom, cross-transom and special angle. two heads can work individually, simultaneously or combinatively. assembled with b to make up 3+2 five-head welding machine. plc control, pneumatic transmission, simple operation and high stableness.
工作电源 power supply 220v 50hz
工作压力 air pressure 0.4~0.6 ( mpa )
耗气量 air consumption 200l /min
输入功率 input power 2.5kw
焊接范围 welding range 400~3500(mm)
焊接型材高度 welding height 20~100 ( mm )
焊接型材宽度 welding width 120mm
外形尺寸 overall dimension 4300x870x1700(mm)
重量 weight 800kg