- 供应商
- 上海福贸展览服务有限公司
- 认证
- 福贸展会大鹏
- 日本展会组展组团
- shzpexpo
- 福贸国际展览
- 展览会摊位
- 展位安排-搭建-布展
- 联系电话
- 021-61200956
- 福贸展会大鹏
- 15821106898
- 副总
- 张鹏-福贸展会大鹏+V
- 所在地
- 上海市莲花南路1951格兰大厦
- 更新时间
- 2023-11-04 06:00
international robot exhibition 2023(irex2023)
(online) irex online
november 29 to december 2,2023 (4 days in total)
tokyo big sight, east hall1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
opening hours
10:00am to 5:00pm
jpy 1,000 (free admission to people who have preregistered orwho hold invitations, or are under 16 years of age)
the purpose of the exhibition is to gather and exhibitindustrial and service robots and related e from around theglobe under one roof, and to contribute to the creation of newmarkets and promotion of industrial technology of robots.
the way towards friendlier society, bridged by robots
organized by
japan robot association (jara), the nikkan kogyo shimbun,ltd.
supported by
ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries / ministry ofeconomy, trade and industry / ministry of health, labour andwelfare /
ministry of land, infrastructure, transport and tourism / ministryof internal affairs and communications / ministry of education,culture, sports, science and technology /
the japan chamber of commerce and industry / new energy andindustrial technology development organization (nedo) / japanexternal trade organization (jetro) / japan broadcastingcorporation (nhk)
special support by
the society of instrument and control engineers / communicationsand information network association of japan / manufacturingscience and technology center /
all japan plastic products industrial federation / the associationfor technical aids / japan amusement machine and marketingassociation / the japan machinery federation / japan metal stampingassociation / japan clean environment promotion organization /japan construction e manufacturers association / japanconstruction machinery and construction association / japan machinetool builders’ association / the japan society of industrialmachinery manufactures / japan automobile manufacturers association/ japan auto parts industries association / the japan foodmachinery manufacturers’ association / japan forming machineryassociation / the iron steel institute of japan / japan electricmeasuring instruments manufacturers’ association / the japanelectrical manufacturers’ association / nippon electric controle industries association / japan painting contractorsassociation / semiconductor e association of japan / japanassistive products association / the association of care goodsproviders / the japan institute of material handling / japan fluidpower association / japan belt association / japan association ofcorrosion control / japan packaging machinery manufacturersassociation / the japan welding engineering society / the roboticssociety of japan / micromachine center / robot revolution &industrial iot initiative