- 供应商
- 东莞塑运塑胶有限公司
- 认证
- 宝理
- 宝理缩醛
- 联系电话
- 15338001126
- 塑运集团电微
- 15338001126
- 杜邦(中国)工程塑料总经理
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- 所在地
- 杜邦,巴斯夫,宝理进口总代理商
- 更新时间
- 2022-12-11 16:56
delrin® 100ale nc010
lubricated high viscosity acetal homopolymer with low wear andlow friction and very low emissions
delrin® 100cpe bk602
high viscosity acetal homopolymer with very low emissions
delrin® 100cpe nc010
delrin® 300cpe nc010
medium-high viscosity acetal homopolymer with improvedprocessing and very low emissions
delrin® 500cpe bk602
medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with improved processing andvery low emissions
delrin® 500cpe nc010
delrin® ra100cpe nc010
high viscosity renewable attributed acetal homopolymer with verylow emissions
delrin® ra300cpe nc010
medium-high viscosity renewable attributed acetal homopolymerwith improved processing and very low emissions
delrin® ra500cpe nc010
medium viscosity renewable attributed acetal homopolymerwith improved processing and very low emissions
delrin® ra511cpe nc010
nucleated medium viscosity renewable attributed acetalhomopolymer with very low emissions
delrin® rafg100 nc010
high viscosity renewable attributed acetal homopolymer
delrin® rafg500p nc010
medium viscosity renewable attributed acetal homopolymerdeveloped for food contact applications
delrin® rafg511dp nc010
nucleated medium viscosity renewable attributed acetalhomopolymer developed for food contact applications
delrin® rasc655 nc010
medium viscosity renewable attributed acetal homopolymerdeveloped for the healthcare industry
delrin® rasc698 nc010
silicone lubricated low viscosity renewable attributed acetalhomopolymer with low wear and low friction developed for thehealthcare industry
delrin® sc698 nc010
silicone lubricated low viscosity acetal homopolymer with lowwear and low friction developed for the healthcare industry
delrin® 100 bk602
high viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 100 nc010
delrin® 100af
20% ptfe fiber filled high viscosity acetal homopolymer with lowwear and low friction
delrin® 100al nc010
lubricated high viscosity acetal homopolymer with low wear andlow friction
delrin® 100km nc000
kevlar® modified high viscosity acetal homopolymer with low wearand low friction
delrin® 100p bk602
high viscosity acetal homopolymer with improved processing
delrin® 100p nc010
delrin® 100st bk602
super toughened high viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 100st nc010
delrin® 100ste nc010
super toughened high viscosity acetal homopolymer with very lowemissions
delrin® 100t bk602
toughened high viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 100t nc010
delrin® 100te nc010
toughened high viscosity acetal homopolymer with very lowemissions
delrin® 100tl nc010
ptfe lubricated high viscosity acetal homopolymer with low wearand low friction
delrin® 111dp bk402
nucleated high viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 111dp nc010
delrin® 111pa nc010
delrin® 127uv bk701
uv stabilized high viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 127uv nc010
delrin® 127uve bk701
uv stabilized high viscosity acetal homopolymer with very lowemissions
delrin® 127uve nc010
delrin® 150 nc010
nucleated high viscosity acetal homopolymer developed forextrusion
delrin® 300cp bk602
medium-high viscosity acetal homopolymer with improvedprocessing
delrin® 300cp nc010
delrin® 300te bk602
toughened medium-high viscosity acetal homopolymer with very lowemissions
delrin® 300te nc010
delrin® 311dp bk402
nucleated medium-high viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 311dp nc010
delrin® 327uve nc010
uv stabilized medium-high viscosity acetal homopolymer with verylow emissions
delrin® 500af
20% ptfe fiber filled medium viscosity acetal homopolymer withlow wear and low friction
delrin® 500al nc010
lubricated medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with low wear andlow friction
delrin® 500cl bk601
delrin® 500cl nc010
delrin® 500mt nc010
medium toughened, toughened, medium viscosity acetalhomopolymer
delrin® 500p bk602
medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with improved processing
delrin® 500p nc010
delrin® 500t bk602
toughened medium viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 500t nc010
delrin® 500tl nc010
ptfe lubricated medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with lowwear and low friction
delrin® 510gr nc000
10% glass reinforced medium viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 511cpe nc010
nucleated medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with very lowemissions
delrin® 511dp bk402
nucleated medium viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 511dp nc010
delrin® 520mp nc010
20% ptfe lubricated medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with lowwear and low friction
delrin® 525gr bk000
25% glass reinforced medium viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 525gr nc000
delrin® 527uv bk701
uv stabilized medium viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 527uv nc010
delrin® 527uve rd402
uv stabilized medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with very lowemissions
delrin® 570 nc000
20% glass filled medium viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 577 bk000
delrin® 900p bk602
low viscosity acetal homopolymer with improved processing
delrin® 900p nc010
delrin® 911dp nc010
nucleated low viscosity acetal homopolymer
delrin® 911pe nc010
nucleated low viscosity acetal homopolymer and very lowemissions
delrin® fg100 nc010
delrin® fg100p nc010
high viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for food contactapplications
delrin® fg100tl nc010
ptfe lubricated high viscosity acetal homopolymer with low wearand low friction developed for food contact applications
delrin® fg111dp nc010
nucleated high viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for foodcontact applications
delrin® fg150 nc010
delrin® fg311dp nc010
nucleated medium-high viscosity acetal homopolymer developed forfood contact applications
delrin® fg500al nc010
lubricated medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with low wear andlow friction developed for food contact applications
delrin® fg500mxd bla090
x-ray and metal detectable medium viscosity acetal homopolymerdeveloped for food contact applications
delrin® fg500p nc010
medium viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for food contactapplications
delrin® fg500sc nc010
silicone lubricated medium viscosity acetal homopolymerconcentrate developed for enhancing lubricity and food contactapplications
delrin® fg511dp nc010
nucleated medium viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for foodcontact applications
delrin® fg900p nc010
low viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for food contactapplications
delrin® fg911dp nc010
nucleated low viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for foodcontact applications
delrin® pc650 nc010
medium viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for the healthcareindustry
delrin® pc652 nc010
lubricated medium viscosity acetal homopolymer with low wear andlow friction developed for the healthcare industry
delrin® pc690 nc010
low viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for the healthcareindustry
delrin® pc691 nc010
nucleated low viscosity acetal homopolymer developed for thehealthcare industry
delrin® pc699 nc010
delrin® sc631 nc010
nucleated medium-high viscosity acetal homopolymer developed forthe healthcare industry
delrin® sc655 nc010
delrin® sc690 nc010
delrin® sc699 nc010
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