vietnam embassy certification certification centerat(越南大使馆认证认证中心)
——purpose of certification: thevietnamese embassy seals the notary document to certify that thelast signature and seal of the notary or certification authorityare true. the purpose of vietnam certification is that the notarialdocuments issued by china can be recognized by the vietnameseauthorities, and there is no doubt that the authenticity of thesignatures or seals on the documents will affect theextraterritorial legal effect of thedocuments.(认证目的:越南大使馆在公证文书上盖章,证明公证机关或认证机关的zui后一个签字和盖章属实。办理越南认证的目的是中国出具的公证文书能为越南当局所承认,不致怀疑文件上的签名或印章是否属实而影响文书的域外法律效力。)
type of authentication:(认证类型:)
——both the chinese foreign ministryand the vietnamese embassy have beencertified(中国外交部和越南大使馆双认证)
purpose of certification:(认证目的:)
——the vietnamese embassy in chinacertifies the last signature and seal of the notary office orcertification authority on the notarial document. the purpose ofconsular certification is that a notarial document issued by chinacan be recognized by the vietnamese authorities without any doubtthat the authenticity of the signature or seal on the document willaffect the extraterritorial legal effect of thedocument.(越南驻华大使馆在公证文书上证明公证机关或认证机关的zui后一个签字和盖章属实。办理领事认证的目的是中国出具的公证文书能为越南当局所承认,不致怀疑文件上的签名或印章是否属实而影响文书的域外法律效力。)
certification body:(认证机构:)
——foreign ministry, vietnameseembassy(外交部、越南大使馆)
notes for vietnamese embassycertification:(越南大使馆认证需要注意事项:)
——one copy is re(需1份复印件。)vietnam certificationtime:(越南认证时间:)
civil documents: 3 working days for the ministry of foreignaffairs, 10 working days for the vietnamese embassy (time is notfixed)(民事文书:外交部3个工作日,越南大使馆10个工作日(时间不固定))
business documents: 3 working days for the ministry of foreignaffairs, 10 working days for the vietnamese embassy (time is notfixed)(商业文书:外交部3个工作日,越南大使馆10个工作日(时间不固定))