,fcc part 15 -- computing devices, cordless telephones,satellite receivers, tv interface devices, receivers, low powertransmitters fcc part 18 -- industrial, scientific, andmedical e, i.e. microwave, rf lighting ballast (ism)fccpart 22 -- cellular telephones fcc part 24 -- personalcommunications systems, covers licensed personal communicationsservices fcc part 68 -- all types of telecommunications terminale, i.e. telephones ,modems,etc fcc part 74 -- experimentalradio, auxiliary, special broadcast and other programdistributional services fcc part 90 -- private land mobile radioservices includes paging devices and mobile radio transmitters,covers land mobile radio products such as high-poweredwalkie-talkies fcc part 95 -- personal radio service, includesdevices such as citizens band (cb) transmitters, radio-controlled(r/c) toys, and devices for utilization under the family radioservice