TorrLube Oil TLC 15 60CC 1515A
- 供应商
- 上海恩莱保贸易有限公司
- 认证
- 联系电话
- 86-021-20228098
- 手机号
- 13391171050
- 销售经理
- 张婕
- 所在地
- 上海市松江区金高路2388号813室
- 更新时间
- 2025-02-01 08:03
for these applications we developed more viscous, high temperature,deep vacuum, oils and called them tlc 13 and tlc 15. the numbers 13and 15 correlate to their vapor pressure at 40 c.
tlc 13 has an estimated useful range of -17.6 to 675 f.
tlc 15 has an estimated useful range of -1.4 to 689 f.
temperature – torrlube lubricants can handle very hightemperatures.
low vapor pressure – torrlube lubricants have very low vaporpressure.
lubricity – torrlube is an excellent lubricant under bothatmosphere and vacuum.
nonflammable – torrlube lubricants do not ignite.
non-reactive – torrlube lubricants are inert and do not reactwith most materials used in semiconductor or aerospaceindustries.
chemical resistance – torrlube lubricants are resistant to mostchemicals used in both semiconductor or aerospace industries.
safe in oxygen service –torrlube lubricants do not react withoxygen.
low outgassing – torrlube lubricants display very lowoutgassing.
o-ring conditioning – conditioning o-rings with torrlubelubricants will enhance the surface of the o-ring making it lesspermeable and more supple, providing a better seal and extendinguptime.
shelf life – torrlube lubricants have infinite shelf life.
torrlube oil tlc10 3ccsyringe注射管
torrlube oil tlc10 60cc bottle x2瓶
tlc10是torrlube的明星級的高溫潤滑劑。隨著時間的演進,與更高溫度與更高真空的需求,開發出可以在高溫且高真空下兩者兼具的潤滑劑。我們稱它為tlc13和 tlc15。數字13和15與它們在40度c時的蒸氣壓相關。