现货POM 泰科纳 LM90Z POM 激光加工耐候抗UV
- 供应商
- 墨澜中嘉(东莞市)塑胶科技有限公司
- 认证
- 品牌
- 型号
- LM90Z
- 产地
- 泰科纳
- 联系电话
- 0769-87187279
- 手机号
- 13711820929
- 经理
- 马益群
- 所在地
- 东莞常平麦元村物流大道西段美吉特一期5栋20号
- 更新时间
- 2024-11-15 08:20
现货pom 泰科纳 lm90z pom 激光加工耐候抗uv
pom-c/h(黑色、白色): 分别代表pom共聚物和pom均聚物,pom共聚物熔点低、热稳定性、耐化学腐蚀性、流动特性、耐水解、耐强碱和热力氧化降级、加工性优于均聚甲醛。pom均聚物结晶度高、搞蠕变性、热膨胀率更低、耐磨性、机械强度、刚性、热变形温度等比共聚甲醛好。(目前市面上pom半成品普遍使用pom-c共聚物)pom-h+ptfe(深棕色):pom+tf棒/板 是用杜邦pom(delrin)原料加ptfe(铁氟龙)纤维挤出而成。它保留了pom-h的大多数固有强度。因填加ptfe(铁氟龙)纤维而有某些性能改变,稍软,刚性小,比纯的聚甲醛树脂更滑。与纯pom板比较,该种材料润滑性更好。用pom-h+ptfe制造的轴承摩擦系数中等,耐磨,并且基本无蠕动现象。由于均聚物中共聚成分的插入,除了热稳定性以外,其它性质也发生了一些变化.一般而言,共聚成分是多一个碳元素的氧化乙烯基-ch2ch2o-.虽然因引入的比例而异,但是可以说,共聚甲醛的性质是在甲醛均聚物中加入氧化乙烯聚合物而共同形成的.下面,请对甲醛共聚物与均聚物标准品级的物性进行一下比较.虽然在短期机械特性方面,有均聚物高于共聚物的倾向,但在长期机械特性方面,共聚物则比均聚物降低的比例小.所以,例如大家知道:在蠕动破坏寿命等方面,越过某个时间点树脂就会发生强度逆转现象.但是,并非以此就可得出均聚物与共聚物孰优孰劣的结论.包括长、短期的各种物性和热稳定性在内,哪一种树脂和品级更适合您所使用的环境,需要您自己在实际中进行综合判断.
celcon®lm90z cc34372 stone 134b
celcon®lm90z cc8008a gray
celcon®lm90z cd33867 black
celcon®lm90z cd33927 black 201b
celcon®lm90z cg34614 blue
celcon®lm90z cv34373 fawn 447b
celconlm90z | pom | specialty
celcon®lm90z is a uv stable, nominal 9 melt flow acetal copolymer which iscapable of being permanently marked by a laser. it gives protectionagainst property and color deterioration in applications wheresignificant uv exposure is anticipated from sunlight or artificiallighting. parts molded from celcon® lm90z can be lasermarked withbarcodes, indentification numbers, designs, 2-d symbology,etc.
standardreciprocating screw injection molding machines with a highcompression screw (minimum 3:1 and preferably 4:1) and low backpressure (0.35 mpa/50 psi) are favored. using a low compressionscrew (i.e. general purpose 2:1 compression ratio) can result inunmelted particles and poor melt homogeneity. using a high backpressure to make up for a low compression ratio may lead toexcessive shear heating and deterioration of thematerial.
melttemperature: preferred range 182-199℃ (360-390℉).melt temperature should never exceed 230℃ (450℉).
moldsurface temperature: preferred range 82-93℃ (180-200℉)especially with wall thickness less than 1.5 mm (0.060 in.). mayrequire mold temperature as high as 120℃(250℉)to reproduce mold surface or to assure minimal molded in stress.wall thickness greater than 3mm (1/8 in.) may use a cooler(65℃/150℉)mold surface temperature and wall thickness over 6mm (1/4 in.) mayuse a cold mold surface down to 25℃ (80℉).in general, mold surface temperatures lower than82℃ (180℉)may hinder weld line formation and produce a hazy surface or asurface with flow lines, pits and other included defects that canhinder part performance.
dryingis not normally re if material has come in contact withmoisture through improper storage or handling or through regrinduse, drying may be necessary to prevent splay and odorproblems.
dryingtime (h):3
dryingtemperature (℃):80- 100
现货pom ,泰科纳 lm90z ,pom 激光加工,耐候抗uvpom,材质pom,pom材料耐磨