优势 time savings
you can use our comprehensive customization expertise and our longyears of experience with the siemens components
you do not have to build up any additional know-how, leaving you toconcentrate completely on your own core competence
close cooperation with our expert team to implement all ourrequests and changes to produce a tailor-made solution
increase in profitability
you invest your money and resources selectively in your corecompetence
you implement reliable material re and logisticsplanning, tailored to your needs, thanks to our logisticsservices
you have maximum investment security thanks to highest ,long-term availability and continuity with simatic, simatic ipc andsimatic hmi
increase in competitive edge for the machine
components perfectly matched to the expected applicationenvironment, including detection of and protection against unwantedmodifications to software and hardware
you receive customized products with siemens customized automationthat fit outstandingly well into the "totally integratedautomation" (tia) concept
you can draw attention not only to your exceptional technology butalso to the individual design of your machine, by printing a logoon the front of the enclosure, for example.
使用 simatic s7 cfc,技术要求可以快速、容易地转换成完整、可执行的自动化程序。
用于创建 cfc 程序的费用可降到低:
通过链接功能块(and、or、pid 控制器),只需将技术功能参数化即可。不再需要费时耗力的编程。当然也能集成由其它 step 7编程语言生成的功能块。
由于可以稳妥地集成到 step 7 工具中(包括 hmi 工具),自动扩展 step 7 项目管理,和 step 7共享信号数据,以及嵌入到经典语言世界中,如通过导入写在 lad 中的标准 fb 和 fc,可以以佳方式集成到自动化世界中。
大约在按下按钮之后就会生成一个可执行代码并在线传输到可编程控制器。为了生成代码,step 7 和 s7-scl 必须安装在 pg上。
使用工程工具 simatic s7 cfc(连续功能图),可通过 simatic s7、simatic winac 和 d7 sys来创建自动化应用,方法是绘制一个技术功能图(与用于 plc编程的功能图类似)。通过这种“图形化编程”,可在一种“图表”上将块进行安排和互连。一个现成的块库可用于此目的。
simatic s7 cfc 可结合 simatic s7-300(建议使用 cpu 316 或 cpu 312c及更高型号)、simatic s7-400、simatic winac 和 d7-sys 使用。
customized hardware:
customized products are modified simatic hmi standard products.according to the necessary degree of modification of the hardware,these types of product are separately identified as:
design products
oem products
turnkey products
customer-specific product modifications are available in allperformance classes, starting with push button panels or keypanels, basic panels, comfort panels, industrial flat panels andextension units up to rack/box/panel pcs.
customized software:
in the case of customer-specific products, the software can also beindividually installed. this includes the generation of operatingsystems and also the integration and installation of driversoftware and images – for complete, turnkey systems. a softwarechange can also be implemented to increase system protectionagainst theft of know-how and service piracy.
customized software products:
remote operate software
for implementation of multi-user systems with hmi ipc and clientson the basis of mp 377 and hmi ipc477
open modbus for simatic systems
provides the capability of connecting systems from variousmanufacturers to simatic automation systems
customized service, support and logistics
special additional services for proven siemens products can beimplemented with siemens customized automation. these include newcertifications and approvals, such as for marine orcountry-specific releases. individual project planning, repairconcepts and delivery agreements can also be made for each product.customized automation also offers the option of a design freeze orextended availability for individual products.
customized products from various industries
simatic hmi products are provided with additional features in orderto facilitate optimum use in specific sectors of industry.stainless steel front panels for the food, beverages and tobaccoindustry are one such example. with the exception of their frontpanels, the devices are identical to standard products in respectof function and technology.
we offer products for the following industries: