英国威格斯PEEK 450G

2024-06-12 16:58


英国威格斯peek 450g---peek was successfully synthesized by icicompany in 1977, and began to be sold on the market in 1978. in1982, peek has been sold under the brand of victrex & reg;(wiggs).

after nearly 30 years of development, victrex & reg; hasbecome the most complete brand of peek, including victrex ® peek polymer and vicote ™ coatings and aptiv ™ film.

in 2007, after ici was sold to a dutch company, victrex becamean independent listed company in the uk. victrex & reg;peek has the following performance advantages:

high temperature resistance: the long-term service temperatureof peek is 260 ℃, and the hot deformation temperature of peekreinforced grade is as high as 315 ℃

chemical resistance: in addition to strong oxidizing acid, peekcan resist all kinds of acid-base solutions in a wide range oftemperature and concentration; peek can be used in almost allsolvents in a wide range of temperature and concentration

extremely high mechanical properties: extremely high tensile,compression and impact strength, will maintain excellent mechanicalproperties at high temperature

excellent dimensional stability: high rigidity and creepresistance, low water absorption and low coefficient of linearexpansion

wear resistance: it is very suitable for high temperature / highpressure / high speed / corrosive transmission environment; it issuitable for oil-free lubrication, and it is also very suitable foruse in the environment with strict purity re

anti hydrolysis and radiation: it can be used in hightemperature and high pressure water vapor environment for a longtime. it has strong resistance to x and gamma ray radiation. it hasgood flame retardant and electrical performance. it can reach ulv-0 level without adding any flame retardant. it has goodelectrical performance even at high temperature

high purity: peek has a very low content of metal ions, anddischarges very few ions and gases when the vacuum is high. it isvery suitable for use in semiconductor, ultra pure water and otherindustries with strict purity re

self lubricity: peek has outstanding sliding characteristics inall plastics, suitable for strict re of low frictioncoefficient and wear resistance. in particular, theself-lubricating property of peek modified by the mixture of carbonfiber and graphite is better.

after more than 30 years of development, peek, ahigh-performance material, has been widely used in automotiveparts, semiconductor industry, aerospace industry, petrochemicalindustry, machinery industry, medical industry, electronic andelectrical appliances and other fields, such as manufacturingautomotive brake system parts, engine parts, gearboxhigh-temperature gasket, semiconductor tools, lcd bracket, waferturnover e, ic tester, etc high temperature parts of officesupplies such as test e parts, separating claws of copier,shaft sleeve, etc.; special mechanical gears, oil-free bearings,compressor valve pieces, sealing rings, piston rings, valve parts,high temperature sensor probes, special electronic connectors,analytical instrument parts, special cable sheaths, human bones,hemodialysis machine parts, lithium battery sealing rings,integrated circuit films, and electric irons microwave ovenheat-resistant parts and so on.

英国威格斯PEEK 450G


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