2021HOTELEX -3月份酒店用品展
- 供应商
- 上海博华国际展览有限公司
- 认证
- 联系电话
- 13671856722
- 手机号
- 13661406349
- 联系人
- 吴妮娜
- 所在地
- 上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 更新时间
- 2024-11-06 09:01
上海金城制冷设备有限公司 易明梅 总 展会规模不断扩大,现场井然 有序,国内外厂商多元化,展品丰富, 极大程度的增进了品牌的知名度与曝光 率 , 对 于 公司 销 售 具 备 实 质 效 应 ! kingdom金城制冷在此祝愿hotelex 蓬勃发展,永攀高峰,让我们一起携手共创佳绩,共享未来!
浙江楠宋瓷业有限公司 郑一利 总经理感谢hotelex带来的每年一次盛会! 这几年,hotelex越办越精彩,不断 提升的创新服务理念,让我们感受到了不一样的参展体验,这不仅仅是一场展 会,更是酒店用品文化的传递。楠宋自 成立以来,每年都如期参加hotelex展,十多年与之共同成长,如今更希望 与hotelex携手并进,共创佳绩!期 待明年相聚!
founter machinery technology co., ltd (former fenghua hengfeng foodmachinery factory)was founded by wang guoqin in 1980. the companyhas committed to the r&d of food machinery for years. with morethan 30 years of manufacturing experience and an outstanding designteam, founter becomes a professional maker that can both design andmanufacture. founter designs mixers with our strategic partnersfrom europe and north america. at present, mixers produced byfounter have been exported to the united states, canada, mexico,britain, italy, belgium, australia, singapore and other 30countries. in line with the improvements of the products,the company is trying her best to make founter an international,competitive and professional enterprise.