南京楚拓船舶设备有限公司,是国内Zui大的船舶物料批发商之一, 地处历史盛地古都南京,主要从事船舶五金批发出口业务,熟悉IMPA,ISSA。在业界拥有良好的口碑和信誉。公司理念:“的质量”,“的价格”,“Zui快的发货速度”。公司客包括,港口批发商,零售商,外贸公司,船厂,国外客户等,无论客户的大小,数量的多少,我们都尽力为你服务,确保客户及时优质供船, 公司发展同时及时提高员工收入待遇,的员工是公司才是公司Zui大的资产。上千平方现代化仓库面积,数千种产品长期备货保证了客户Zui快的交货时间 公司业务范围遍及国内各大港口(大连,天津, 青岛,上海,广州等), 在欧洲,中东,东南亚等都地区都有长期合作伙伴。CHUTUO Marine Equipment CO.,LTD , Local in ancient and famous city NanJing China. One of the biggest marine hardware wholesaler in china, exporting and wholesaling marine product are our main business. We have very good credit-worthiness and integrity in around marine occupation.Our concept are “EXCELLENT QUALITY”,”BEST PRICE” and “SOONEST TEME”, thousands square Store warehouse guarantee the shortest time delivery the goods. Customer in including wholesaler, chandler, exporter and so on. No matter the order is big or small; we try our best server for you.