安徽新生代建筑科技有限公司是专门以建筑结构加固为主,兼营地基与基础工程、钢结构工程、防腐保温工程等工程承包、同时也是从事建筑工程技术咨询、CPR系列结构胶、防护涂料研究和生产的综合企业。 本公司一惯本着“信誉第一,质量至上”的原则,以的质量保证,经济合理的价格向建筑业提供全面的服务。 公司以设计、科研等单位为后盾,以Zui新科研成果作支持。大力开展CPR系列结构胶、防护涂料和特种工程技术的研发。在锚杆、粘钢加固、碳纤维加固、预应力加固、植筋等多项关键技术领域方面处于国内领先水平。同时公司生产的CPR系列高性能结构胶、防护涂料等高科技产品,自上市以来已被大量应用于国内数项特大型工程中。且以其质量优良、价格合理而受客户普遍欢迎。 为了让客户放心,本公司产品均由天安保险公司承保,使客户风险降至为零。 Anhui Cenozoic company is mainly engaged in building structure reinforcing, contracting project of foundation, foundation engineering, steel structure engineering, anti-corrosion insulation engineering, and technology insulation, research and fabrication of CPR structural adhesive, protective coatings. We supply outstanding products with first-class service and reasonable price for all clients of construction industry. During these years, we built good relationship with designing and research institutes, and focused on new technology achievements. We put a lot of effort on research and exploration of CPR structural adhesive, protecting coating, and other special engineering. Our anchor, steel bonded reinforcement, carbon fiber reinforcement, pre-stress reinforcement, and planting bar are among the top list in China. Our CPR structural adhesive and protecting coating have been widely applied in many large domestic project, and welcomed by clients for its good performance and sound price. All of our products are underwritten by Tian An Insurance Co., Ltd.