鹤山市吴氏家具有限公司, 位于广东水陆交通便利的鹤山市,主营 真皮沙发、布艺沙发、沙发床等家居用品。产品大部分外销欧洲,北美,澳洲,日本,韩国等多个国家,得到广大客户的。公司秉承“质量为先,诚信为本,顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则。期待与你的合作!我们将竭诚为您服务!Dezine furniture CO.,LTD. is located in the world's furniture center since it's built up,we strived hard to specialize in producing leather sofa,and with the combination of marketing research,designing,manufacturing,selling and serving,we are able to cater different demands from different countries.It possessed the standard industry workplace,exquisite craftsmanship process. therigorous way of using material and fashionable designing and we adopt the green environmental furniture as our ideology.