佛山市莱特镁轻合金有限公司 位于交通便利,工业发达.被誉为"中国铝材第一镇"的广东省南海大沥镇.是南海大沥众多铝材厂中专业生产镁合金产品的医科璀璨的新星.作为一家从事镁合金产品研发,生产,销售及服务于一体的集团企业.主要产品涵盖了建筑型材类,工业型材类,汽车及3C产品类等,并可根据客户需要开发多种规格及性能要求的镁合金产品,公司拥有各类产品设备技术,年生产能力达11万吨.我们有强大的技术队伍并与科研机构保持着长期的合作,目前已申请镁合金相关专利技术十余项.短短两年时间内,公司已在镁合金着一朝阳领域取得了长足的进展.但我们会不断改善和创新,拓展市场需求,争创镁合金行业的新标准.通过我们精细的管理和服务,莱特镁将为客户提供Zui优质的服务,让每一个客户都能在经营莱特镁中获得Zui大的利益,让每一个用户在使用中都能得到的质量保证.莱特镁将集各界同任之智慧,使中国镁叶向高附加值,高科技含量,向深加工产品转变,为中国成为镁业强国而奋斗. Lightmg(Foshan) company limited.which located in Dali town,Nanhai city,Guangdong province.In fact ,Dali is honored by "The First Aluminum Town in China".Depending the unique branded position,It is pushing us to be the new shining star on the fields of Magnesium,Dealing with magnessium researching,production and service group,our products including building constructions.including building canstructions,industrial components and 3C products,etc...Owning the strong production capacities of annual 110 thousands tons,equipments and techniques,We can service to explore OEM and ODM products to match the customer's requirement.keeping long terms of business relationship with several scientific organizations,our powerful technical teams lead us to apply more than ten registered patentson the fields of Megnesium alloy.In the passed two years, we gain the fast development on the new growing fidlds. we hope to gain leadership in the industries and creating the new standerd on magnesium fields.By elaborated management and service. we hope wo supply our customers with high quality products to increase maximum profits and share with our associates.Then we will accomplish end-users contentment