深圳市宝安区西乡酷炫不锈钢饰品厂是一家专业从事316L不锈钢和钛合G23身体穿刺饰品。本厂是直接生产厂家,做工精细,款式新潮。产品包括:肚脐环.耳扩.乳环.鼻环.舌环.眉环.唇钉.耳环.耳钉.吊坠.戒指等........。我们是直接生产商,我们会为你提供一手货源和Zui优惠的价格,货源充足,供货准时。 欢迎新老客户采购 !!
Shenzhen Baoan District Xixiang cool stainless steel jewelry factory is specialized in 316L stainless steel and titanium G23 body piercing jewelry. The factory is a direct manufacturer, fine workmanship, trendy styles. Products include: expansion of milk navel ring ear ring nose ring tongue ring eyw ring lip nail earrings earrings pendants rings, etc. ................... We are the direct manufacturer, we will provide you with primary sources and the most preferential prices, ample supply, delivery on time. Welcome to the new and old customers to purchase!!