我公司是-专业生产内外胎修补组的制造商,主要生产内太冷补胶片、外胎冷补胶片、胶水、补胎胶条、补胎工具等. 公司成立于1999年,经过几年的发展现已成为生产汽车附件的专业厂家。公司占地面积9000平米,职工120人其中工程师2名,技术人员10名,年产值860万元。 The company was founded in 1999, underwent several year development already to become the production automobile appendix the specialized factory. Company area 9000 square meters, staff 120 person of senior engineers 2, technical personnel 10, annual production 8,600,000 Yuan. 我公司拥有国内Zui先进的冷补胶生产线,产品质量达到国家技术标准要求。公司生产的汽车内胎,外胎,子午胎,斜胶胎等胶片。胶条,胶水,平衡块等系列百余种规格行销全国24个省,市,区。并出口东南亚,欧美,非洲等多国。过硬的产品质量赢得了广大用户的好评。 Our company has home most advanced Leng Bu the rubber production line, the product quality meets the country technical standard requirements. The company produces rubber-tired power blader, tire cover, midnight and noon embryo, films and so on slanting rubber tire. The block glue, the glue water, series hundred kind of specifications and so on counterbalance are available throughout the country 24 provinces, the city, the area. And exports Southeast Asia, Europe and America, Africa and so on multi-countries. The perfect product quality has won user community's high praise. 随着我国汽车行业的飞速发展,众诚公司与时具进,开拓创新更好的为汽车行业服务。 Along with our country automobile profession's swift development, the audiences honest company enters with time, the development innovates well serves for the automobile profession.