With more than 60,000 employees at 900 locations in over 100 countries, the Kuehne + Nagel Group is one of the world’s leading logistics companies. Its strong market position lies in the seafreight, airfreight, contract logistics and overland businesses, with a clear focus on providing IT-based lead logistics services. Kuehne + Nagel opened its first office in China in 1979. Today, the company operates at 46 locations in 32 cities and employs around 3,000 people. It’s steadily extending its office network in China. Recently, new branches were opened in Fuzhou, Wuxi, Zhengzhou, Taicang, Yangzhou and Yinchuan. Until the end of this year, the company plans to increase its footprint to 36 cities with the establishment of four more new offices, mainly in the central and western provinces of the country. Further network extensions are scheduled for 2012.Our fast developing business in China constantly creates new exciting job opportunities for highly committed and career-oriented talents.If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, and want to grow with Kuehne + Nagel, please do not hesitate to apply and send us your detailed C.V. with the exact position on the top right corner.Suitable candidates will be contacted within 4 weeks. All related information will be kept strictly confidential.For more information, please visit: www.kuehne-nagel.com德迅集团是全球的物流服务公司,业务遍及逾100个国家900个地点,有超过60,000名员工。德迅主要业务是海、陆、空运和合同物流服务,并致力提供以资讯为本的供应链管理方案。1979年,德迅就在北京成立了中国首间办事处。 现今,德迅在中国32个城市内共46个地点经营业务,约有3,000员工。经过多年发展,Zui近新的分支公司在福州、无锡、郑州、太仓、扬州和银川相继开业,额外设立四个主要分布于华中及华西省份的新办事处,并计划于2012年进一步扩充网络。基于我们的业务在中国的持续发展,德迅向有志于从事物流行业的学子提供各种有吸引力的工作机会,并为您创造一个广阔的个人职业发展空间。如果您正在寻找一份富有挑战性和有价值的职业,并希望与德迅共同成长,请关注我们的招聘信息并踊跃申请,同时请在简历的右上角注明您所申请的职位。