
航空货运 承运人需要遵守的国家法令和法规

发布时间: 2017-05-19

1、 托运人托运的货物重量、体积、包装、标志等均应符合承运人的有关规定并遵守国家法令和法规。
1. the weight, volume, packing and marking of the goods consigned by the shipper shall comply with the relevant provisions of the carrier and abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the state.
2、 接受要求托运人托运货物时,应凭本人居民身份证或其它有效身份证件,填写“国内货物托运书”,并提供必要的文件和资料,向承运人或其代理人办理货物托运手续。
2, accept the re of the shipper of goods, should be based on my identity card or other valid identity documents, fill out the "domestic cargo shipper", and provide the necessary documents and information, procedures for the shipment of goods to the carrier or its agent.
3、 在货物中不得夹带政府禁止运输和限制运输的物品、危险品、贵重物品、保密文件和资料,现金等
3, the goods shall not be prohibited by the government to prohibit the transport and transport of goods, dangerous goods, valuables, confidential documents and information, cash, etc.
4、 一张货物托运书只限定一个托运人托运到一个地点、一个收货人的货物。
4, a consignment of goods only limited to a shipper to check a place, a consignee of goods.
5、 如果承运人或其代理人要求出具单位介绍信或其它有效证明时,托运人也应予以提供。
5, if the carrier or his agent requires the unit to issue a letter of introduction or other valid evidence, the shipper should also be provided.
6、 托运政府限制运输的物品以及需向公安、检疫等有关办理手续的货物,均应随附有效证明。
6, the consignment of goods restricted by the government and the goods that need to be handled by the relevant departments of the public security, and other relevant government departments shall be accompanied by valid certificates


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