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  •  甘肃亿发农业发展有限公司           Gansu Yifa Agricultural Development Co. LTD一经营范围(business scope)甘肃亿发农业发展有限公司是由甘肃亿发果园种植基地发展了10多年,在2017年9月18日成立了甘肃亿发农业发展有限公司。本公司起初以花牛苹果、香蕉苹果、红富士、水蜜桃、西瓜、甜瓜、花椒、大枣、哈密瓜为主业,随着业务的扩大整合西北特有的农产品(高原蔬菜、高原牛羊肉、高原散养鸡,鸡蛋、高原药材、)销售到全国各地。公司从初的种植发展到初级农产品加工、销售等固有的业务外,还扩大规模,扩大投资,进行初级农产品的精品包装、冷链运输、冷库储存、建立自己的销售渠道、完善各省代理、市场设立档口、超市对接、电商搭建、在全国各地开展业务成立办事处、把西北的农产品输送到全国人民的手中。公司实现了从种植生产到销售到客户一条龙的服务。保证了本公司生产销售的产品极具原生态、高原特性、西域特性、无污染、无添加剂、无农药残留的健康产品。Gansu Yinfa Agricultural Development Co., LTD., founded on September 18, 2017, has been developed by Yinfa Orchard planting Base in Gansu province for more than 10 years.The company at the beginning to flower beef apple, banana apple, red Fuji, honey peach, watermelon, melon, pepper, jujube, cantaloupe as the main business, with the expansion of business integration of northwest unique quality agricultural products (plateau vegetables, plateau beef and mutton, plateau chickens, eggs, plateau medicinal materials,) sales to all over the country.Companies from the initial development to the primary agricultural products processing and marketing of inherent in the business, and expand the scale, enlarge the investment, high-quality goods packaging of primary agricultural products, cold chain transportation, refrigerator storage, set up their own sales channels, perfecting the provincial agency, sets up the archives mouths, supermarket and docking, electricity market traders set up, established throughout the country to do business office, the northwest agricultural products to the national people's hands.The company has realized the one-stop service from planting production to sales to customers.To ensure the company's production and sales of products with original ecology, plateau characteristics, characteristics of the Western regions, no pollution, no additives, no pesticide residues of health pr二公司价值观(Corporate values)将秉承“追求卓越、持续创新”的发展理念,坚持“务实、诚信、敬业、创新、发展”的企业精神,以“品质良好、服务至上、合作共赢”为服务遵旨。Adhering to the development concept of "pursuing excellence and continuous innovation", adhering to the enterprise spirit of "pragmatism, integrity, dedication, innovation and development", and adhering to the service tenet of "good quality, service first, win-win cooperation".三公司的规模(company scale)从2018年年底农产品的产量比以往突破了上百倍。公司员工人数初具规模(种植人员除外);办公室区域已达到较大规模,各部门独立办公;有专业保鲜库房储存货物。配送冷链车辆数辆可以长途运送。亿发果园基地种植面积有规模庞大,蔬菜大棚基地也已初具规模。The output of agricultural products has exceeded 100 times since the end of 2018.The number of employees of the company has begun to take shape (except planting personnel);The office area has reached 300 square meters, with each department working independently.Specialized storerooms can store millions of tons of goods.Distribution of cold chain vehicles 5 can be long distance transport.The planting area of Yifa orchard base is 100 mu;Yifa breeding base covers an area of 2000 square meters;Vegetable greenhouse base has 300 mu四公司的地理优势(The geographical advantages of the company)甘肃亿发农业发展有限公司在甘肃较为闻名的旅游城市之一,天水属温带大陆性气候和亚热带气候的过渡地带,年平均气温为11.5℃。较热天气是7月份,较高温度为33.4℃;较冷天气是1月份,较低温度为-15℃ 。全年降水量在800-900毫米,年日照在2100小时-2700小时,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,春季升温快,秋多雨水。气候温和,四季分明,日照充足,降水适中,土壤、适宜多种作物生长,有粮食作物10多种、经济作物20多种,是西北农作物生长较为适宜的地区之一,也是我国北方较佳水果和蔬菜生产基地之一。由于高山草原草木茂盛,气候适宜,也是我国北方较佳畜牧养殖生产基地之一。Gansu Yifa Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. is one of the more famous tourist cities in Gansu, Tianshui city is a temperate continental climate and subtropical climate transition zone, the annual average temperature is 11.5℃.The hotter weather is July, with a higher temperature of 33.4 ℃.The colder weather is January, with a lower temperature of -15℃.The annual precipitation is 800-900mm, and the annual sunshine is 2,100-2700 hours. There is no severe cold in winter and no heat in summer. The spring heats up quickly and there is much rain in autumn.With a mild climate, four distinct seasons, sufficient sunshine, moderate rainfall, and high-quality soil, it is suitable for the growth of a variety of crops. There are more than 10 kinds of grain crops and more than 20 kinds of cash crops. It is one of the more suitable areas for the growth of crops in northwest China and one of the better fruit and vegetable production bases in north China.Due to the lush vegetation of alpine grasslands, the climate is suitable, and is also one of the better livestock breeding production bases in northern China.         五.公司产地的历史及文化(History and culture of origin)甘肃亿发农业发展有限公司位于甘肃省天水市;天水位于甘肃东南部,自古是丝绸之路必经之地和兵家必争之地,全市横跨长江、黄河两大流域,新欧亚大陆桥横贯全境。至2013年天水辖武山、甘谷、秦安、清水、张家川回族自治县五县和秦州、麦积两区。天水有国家和省、市级重点保护文物296处,国内唯一有伏羲塑像的天水伏羲庙,中国四大石窟之一、号称“东方雕塑馆”的麦积山石窟,还有其他大小石窟6处。天水是华夏文明和中华民族的重要发源地,国家历史文化名城,享有羲皇故里、娲皇故里、轩辕故里的荣誉,羲皇始创八卦,天水被誉为“易学之都”。伏羲文化、轩辕文化、大地湾文化、先秦文化、三国文化、石窟文化、易学等博大精深。 天水也是中国县制初始地,天水市甘谷县具有华夏第一县的美誉,三国人物姜维就诞生于此。2500年的春秋古柏映衬着这座古老的城市,天水八千年的历史文化谱写了中华文明的序曲,古城天水誉为“历史古城”,天水全球华人寻根祭祖圣地。 Gansu Yifa Agricultural Development Co., LTD is located in Tianshui city, Gansu Province.Tianshui, located in the southeast of Gansu Province, has been the only route along the Silk Road since ancient times and a contested place for military forces. Tianshui straddled the Yangtze River and Yellow River basins, and the new Eurasian Land Bridge traversed the whole country.By 2013, Tianshui had jurisdiction over Wushan, Gangu, Qin 'an, Qingshui, Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County and Qinzhou and Maiji districts.There are 296 key cultural relics under state, provincial and municipal protection in Tianshui, the only Fuxi Temple in China with a statue of Fuxi, the Maijishan Grottoes, one of China's four grottoes and known as the "Oriental Sculpture Hall", and six other grottoes of different sizes.Tianshui is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization and the Chinese nation, a famous national historical and cultural city, enjoys the honor of Xi Emperor's hometown, Wa Emperor's hometown and Xuanyuan's hometown, Xi Emperor's founding of the eight Trigrams, Tianshui is known as the "Capital of Yi Learning".Fuxi culture, Xuanyuan culture, land bay culture, pre-Qin culture, three kingdoms culture, grotto culture, Yi-learning and other extensive and profound.Tianshui is also the original place of The county system in China. Gangu County of Tianshui city is known as the first county in China. Jiang Wei, a famous figure of The Three Kingdoms, was born here.2,500 years of spring and Autumn ancient bai set off against this ancient city, Eight thousand years of history and culture has written the prelude to the Chinese civilization, the ancient city of Tianshui known as the "historic city", Tianshui Chinese people around the world to search for roots and worship.    六.产品展示和产品包装(Product display and packaging)    产地位于甘肃省天水市秦安县王尹乡;土壤肥沃,位置优越;生长出的农产品香甜可口,使人流连忘返。有“秦安蜜桃香四方,亿发苹果甲天下”的美称。     The producing area is located in Wang Yin Township, Qinan County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province.Fertile soil, superior location;The produce that grows is sweet and delicious, make a person linger on and forget to return.It has the reputation of "Qin an peach fragrance quartet, 100 million hair apple over the world".        七.地址和联系方式 (company scale ) 公司地址:甘肃省天水市秦安县王尹镇胡坪村 公司联系方式:15901376752  15210481762 胡总 Company address: Huping Village, Wang Yin Town, Qin 'an County, Tianshui city, Gansu Province Company contact: 15901376752 15210481762 Mr. Hu。  


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